Wireless Sensor, Robot and UAV networks are the confluence point where the traditional fields of wireless communications, robotics and control theory meet. In this kind of networks, nodes collaborate to accomplish distributed sensing and actuation tasks. Leveraged by the control and mobility of actors, the networking process and applications embrace a whole new set of possibilities. Autonomous cooperative systems, made of intelligent devices (such as robots and UAVs), may deploy, repair and relocate sensors to improve coverage, build routes and fix network partition to ensure data communication, change network topology to shape routing patterns and balance energy consumption.
--------------------- GENERAL DESCRIPTION ---------------------
Wireless Sensor, Robot and UAV networks are the confluence point where the traditional fields of wireless communications, robotics and control theory meet. In this kind of networks, nodes collaborate to accomplish distributed sensing and actuation tasks. Leveraged by the control and mobility of actors, the networking process and applications embrace a whole new set of possibilities. Autonomous cooperative systems, made of intelligent devices (such as robots and UAVs), may deploy, repair and relocate sensors to improve coverage, build routes and fix network partition to ensure data communication, change network topology to shape routing patterns and balance energy consumption, and respond to reported events in a timely and effective manner. The benefits are limited only by imagination. As an emerging field, the 5G architecture foresees explicitly the usage of these specialized systems and offer new networking techniques, by which they can fully exploit their particularities and potentials. WiSARN aims at bringing together state-of-the-art contributions on the design, specification and implementation of architectures, algorithms and protocols for current and future applications of such systems.
------------------- TOPICS of INTEREST -------------------
----------------------- SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS -----------------------
It is required that the manuscript follows the standard IEEE camera-ready format (double column, 10-pt font) and be submitted as PDF file (formatted for 8.5-11 inch paper) as well as the requirement set by the EDAS paper submission system. Submitted paper must be original and unpublished papers with no longer than 6 pages. The direct link for paper submission is: http://edas.info/N24225. All accepted papers of INFOCOM (main program and workshops), after being presented onsite at the conference, will be included in the proceedings to be submitted for publication in IEEE Xplore®.
------------------ JOURNAL PUBLICATION -----------------
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network systems (see http://sites.bu.edu/tcns/ for submission instructions).
------------------ IMPORTANT DATES -----------------
Paper Submission: December 30, 2017
Paper Acceptance Notification: February 10, 2018
Camera ready: February 28, 2018
Presentation: April 16, 2018
-------------------- ORGANIZING COMMITTEE --------------------
General Chair: Prof. Ioannis Paschalidis, Boston University, USA
Techical Program Co-Chairs:
Publicity & Web Chair: Dr. Angelo Trotta, University of Bologna, Italy
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