The World Wind Energy Association (WWEA) and Renewable Resources Pvt Ltd. Pakistan (RE2) are pleased to invite papers and presentations for the 17th World Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition (WWEC2018), taking place on 05-07 April 2018 in Karachi, Pakistan. The main theme of WWEC2018 is “RE-energizing the Developing World” WWEC2018 will focus on the opportunities offered by innovation and modernization of wind energy in particular and renewable energy in general to meet growing energy demands of the developing countries in an affordable and reliable way, based on domestic renewable resources and without exacerbating climate change risks.
WWEA and RE2 invite the wind and renewable energy community from around the world to join us to help make the benefits of renewable energy available for all human beings.
The official conference language will be English.
Abstracts are invited on the following topics:
A. Integration of Wind Power into Energy Systems
B. Integrated Solutions: Round the Clock/Year RE Supply
C. Creating New Wind and RE Markets in Developing Countries
D. Community Power
E. Wind Technology
F. Rural Electrification through Wind and RE
There will also be an “All the Renewables” Session.
Abstracts format: All abstracts should be written in English, be concise and clearly state results, objectives or key components of the paper – as well as the topic to which it belongs. They should not exceed 500 words and should contain a list of key words. Abstracts should be submitted before 20 January 2018 on;
Please choose one of the presentation types: Oral presentation/Poster presentation
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