

21st International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence 2018

Hotel Marian Plage, Avda Salatar, 17480, Roses, Spain
8 - 10 October 2018
The conference ended on 10 October 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
14th May 2018
Abstract Acceptance Notification
15th June 2018
Early Bird Deadline
20th June 2018
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
1st July 2018

About CCIA'18

The main goal of this international conference is to foster discussion around the last advances in Artificial Intelligence. We encourage you to contribute with finished works as well as preliminary works with promising original and innovative ideas. CCIA is the usual meeting point of the Catalan AI scientific community, this is why the conference official languages are Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian and English. However, English must be used to be published in the conference proceedings.


Fuzzy logic, Reasoning, Intelligent data mining, Intelligent agents, Imaging and image processing, Cognitive modelling, Cognitive systems, Ontologies, Logics, Agents, Case-based reasoning, Artificial neural networks

Call for Papers


CCIA 2018 - 21st International Conference of the Catalan Association of Artificial Intelligence


*NEW* Extended Deadline: 14 May


October 8-10, 2018, Roses, Catalonia (Spain)


*NEW* Venue: Hotel Marian Plage, Avda Salatar, 17480, Roses

Web Page: https://ccia2018.upc.edu/en/




We invite you to participate in the 21st International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (CCIA 2018) that will take place on 8-10th October 2018 in Hotel Marian Plage on the beautiful Bay of Roses, at Alt Empordà, Catalonia (Spain).

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The main goal of this international conference is to foster discussion around the last advances in Artificial Intelligence. We encourage you to contribute with finished works as well as preliminary works with promising original and innovative ideas.

CCIA is the usual meeting point of the Catalan AI scientific community, this is why the conference official languages are Catalan, Spanish, French, Italian and English. However, English must be used to be published in the conference proceedings.

*NEW* The deadline for submissions have been extended to May 14th, 2018.


Visit the conference website ccia2018.upc.edu and have a look at:

-- the high quality keynote speakers invited for the conference.

-- social programme: the gala dinner takes place at Castell de Peralada. This CCIA edition is also hosting the first commemorative activities of the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence (ACIA), which will start in a specific act at the conference and will continue all along the 2018-2019 academic course. ACIA is a member society of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI).

Subscribe to our news to receive direct updates on your email: https://ccia2018.upc.edu/en/su...



* Cognitive Modelling and Cognitive Systems

* Knowledge Representation and Ontologies

* Logic, Reasoning and Fuzzy Logic

* Agents and Multi-agent Systems

* Machine Learning and Case-based Reasoning

* Artificial Neural Networks and Evolutionary Systems

* Fusion/Aggregation of Information

* Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery from Databases / Data Science

* Planning, Optimization, Satisfiability and Constraints

* Artificial Vision and Image Processing / Perception

* Human-Machine Communication and Natural Language Processing

* Robotics

* Recommender Systems, Text Mining, and Semantic Web

* AI Applications

* AI Problem Solving

* Real Time AI



* Submissions deadline:                   Maig 14, 2018 (strict)

* Author notification:                         June 15, 2018

* Early registration date:                   June 20, 2018

* Camera-ready:                               July 1, 2018

* Conference dates:                         October 8-10, 2018



We invite you to submit papers reflecting both finished works as well as works in progress, containing original and promising ideas. We welcome the following types of submissions:

- Short papers (2-4 pages)

- Long papers (8-10 pages)

Long submitted papers will be peer-reviewed based on technical quality, relation to the topics of the conference, originality, relevance, significance, and clarity. Short papers will be evaluated for their significance considering them as ongoing work description. Note that all submissions must be original.

Short accepted papers will be presented as posters, mainly.

Paper submissions must meet the following guidelines:

- Papers must be written in English language to be published in the proceedings.

- Papers must be submitted in PDF format following the IOSPress guidelines. Detailed instructions, templates and stylesheets for manuscript preparation are available to download here:



- Papers should not include page numbers.

- All papers must have an Abstract and a list of keywords

Papers should be submitted through the EasyChair platform at




Accepted papers will be published at the conference proceedings book in the collection “Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications” of IOS Press. Camera-ready versions of accepted papers should follow in the same IOSPress format guidelines.

Extended versions of the conference best papers will be invited to be submitted to the following special issues:

1) SI on “Logic-based applications in AI” in the "Logic Journal of the IGPL“, Oxford University Press https://academic.oup.com/jigpal (indexed in JCR: Q3 - Logic, Q3 - Mathematics, Q4 - Mathematics Applied). Logic Journal of the IGPLpublishes papers in all areas of pure and applied logic, including pure logical systems, proof theory, model theory, recursion theory, type theory, nonclassical logics, nonmonotonic logic, numerical and uncertainty reasoning, logic and AI, foundations of logic programming, logic and computation, logic and language, and logic engineering.

2) *NEW* VSI on “Pattern Recognition and Cognitive Assistants  (PRCA)”, at Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier https://www.journals.elsevier.com/pattern-recognition-letters (indexed in JCR: Q2 – Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence). PRLetters includes all the current fields of interest represented by the Technical Committees of the International Association of Pattern Recognition, and other developing themes involving learning and recognition.



After receiving the notification of acceptance, students who will attend the conference can apply for grants funded by Associació Catalana d'Intel·ligència Artificial (ACIA, http://www.acia.cat/).

These grants consist of up to 250€ to cover transportation and accommodation costs. More information can be found on the ACIA webpage.



General Chair:                       Enric Plaza (IIIA-CSIC)

Local Organization Chair:      Karina Gibert (KEMLG at IDEAI, UPC)

Scientific Programme Chair:  Zoe Falomir (U. Bremen)



Karina Gibert (KEMLG at IDEAI, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech)

Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech

Javier Vàzquez Salceda, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech

Beatriz Sevilla Villanueva, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech

Aida Valls Mateu, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Atia Cortés Martínez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech

Cristian Barrué, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech

Xavi Angerri Torredeflot, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech

Luis Oliva Felipe, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTech


Eduard Martín Lineros, Il.lustrious Dean of the Oficial Chamber of Informatics Engineering of Catalonia

Josep Fernández Ruzafa, Dean of the Facultat d’Informàtica de Barcelona

Ramon Lopez De Mantaras, director of the Institut d'Investigació en Intel.ligència Artificial, CSIC

Mateo Valero, director of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center

Ulises Cortes,  Scientific coordinator of the High Performance Artificial Intelligence group,  BSC and Director of the Interuniversity master on Artificial Intelligence, UPC

Josep Puyol, President of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence



Núria Agell (ESADE-URL)

Isabel Aguiló (UIB)

Guillem Alenyà (IRI-CSIC-UPC)

René Alquézar (UPC)

Cecilio Angulo (UPC)

Javier Antich Tobaruela (UIB)

Josep Argelich  (UdL)

Eva Armengol (IIIA-CSIC)

Federico Barber (UPV)

Ramon Bejar (UDL)

Óscar Belmonte (UJI)

Lluís Belanche (UPC)

Ester Bernadó-Mansilla (URL)

Xavier Binefa (UPF)

Francisco Bonin Font (UIB)

Francisco Bonnin Pascual (UIB)

Vicent Botti (UPV)

Antoni Burguera (UIB)

Pompeu Casanovas (UAB)

A. Candelieri (U. Mi-Bicocca)

Gustavo Casañ (UJI)

Miguel Cazorla  (UA)

Dante Conti (ULA, Venezuela)

Vicent Costa (UAB)

Hubie Chen (Birkbeck, University of London)

Ulises Cortés (UPC)

Pilar Dellunde (IIIA-CSIC)

José de Gea (DFKI-Bremen, Germany)

Sergio Escalera (UB)

Vlad Estivill-Castro (Griffith University, Australia)

Francesc J. Ferri (UV)

Emilio García Fidalgo (UIB)

Ana García-Fornés (UPV)

Ricard Gavalda (UPC)

Héctor Geffner (ICREA-UPF)

Lluís Godo (IIIA-CSIC)

Salvatore Grecco (U. Catania)

Stephan Grieu (U. Perpinyà)

Francisco Grimaldo (UV)

José Guerrero Sastre (UIB)

Anders Jonsson (UPF)

Vicente Julián (UPV)

Mikhail Kanevski (UNIL, Suissa)

Jordi Levy (IIIA-CSIC)

Ramon López De Mántaras (IIIA-CSIC)

Beatriz López (UdG)

Emilia López Iñesta (UV-UCV)

Maite López Sánchez (UB)

Miguel Lozano (UV)

Felip Manyà (IIIA-CSIC)

Pere Martí (U.VIC)

Sebastià Massanet (UIB)

Carles Mateu (UdL)

Joaquim Meléndez (UdG)

Pedro Meseguer (IIIA-CSIC)

Antonio Moreno (URV)

Antonio Morales (UJI)

Francisco Mugica (UPC)

Lledó Museros (UJI)

Angela Nebot (UPC)

Carles Noguera (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)

Eva Onaindia (UPV)

Mario Paolucci (ISTC/CNR)

Jordi Planes (UdL)

Marc Pous (ActuaTech, Andorra)

Domenec Puig (URV)

Josep Puyol-Gruart (IIIA-CSIC)

Petia Radeva (UB & CVC)

Arnau Ramisa (IRI-UPC)

Gabriel Recatalà (UJI)

Andrea Rizzoli (IDSIA, Suïssa)

Horacio Rodríguez (UPC)

Ricardo Oscar Rodriguez (UBA)

Maria Salamo (UB)

Jordi Sabater Mir (IIIA-CSIC)

José Salvador Sánchez-Garreta (UJI)

Miquel Sànchez-Marrè (UPC)

Sandra Sandri (INPE,Brazil)

Ismael Sanz (UJI)

Marco Schorlemmer (IIIA-CSIC)

Carles Sierra (IIIA-CSIC)

Massimo Tistarelli (U.Sassari, Alghero, It)

Vicenç Torra (U. Skövde, Sweden)

Carme Torras (IRI-CSIC/UPC)

Ximo Torres (UJI)

V. Javier Traver (UJI)

O. Travesset (OBSA, Andorra)

Aida Valls (URV)

Maria Vanrell (UAB)

Xavier Varona (UIB)

Alfredo Vellido (UPC)

Mateu Villaret (UdG)

Jordi Vitrià (UB)

Leo Wanner (ICREA & UPF)

Franz Wotawa (U. Graz, Switzerland)

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