The 2nd Crowdworking Symposium provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for research on crowdworking, crowdsourcing, cloud work, gig work, online freelancing, and other forms of on-demand labor. The symposium is organized by the research program “Digital Future” – a joint project of the Universities of Paderborn and Bielefeld. The preliminary program has been published at the conference website. The Symposium will take place online and with restrictions on site at the University of Paderborn. Registration for participation is open.
Researchers in various fields including economics, business administration, human resource management, information systems, computer science, sociology, psychology, innovation and law will present their research.
For the symposium sessions, we have especially invited submissions that relate to crowdworkers’ knowledge, skills and abilities, their motivation and their opportunities for gainful and meaningful work. Topics of interest include (but are not restricted to) the selection of retention of highly skilled crowdworkers, the provision of incentives through reputation mechanisms and price structures, the design of online tasks, attractive and efficient platform design, voice and participation for crowd and platform workers, job quality, health and satisfaction, income and working conditions, and the regulation of digital labor.
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