The 3rd International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE'18) aims to become the leading annual conference in fields related to civil, structural, and transportation engineering. The goal of ICCSTE'18 is to gather scholars from all over the world to present advances in the relavant fields and to foster an environment conducive to exchanging ideas and information.
Call for Papers
ICCSTE'18 is now accepting papers on the following topics through its OpenConf system. If you have a paper on an additional topic, please write an email to The current topics include but are not limited to:
- Advanced structural materials
- Application of geology in civil engineering
- Architecture engineering
- Bridge engineering
- Building materials
- Coastal engineering
- Concrete technology
- Construction management
- Construction technology
- Destruction engineering and civil engineering
- Earthquake and structural engineering
- Geotechnical engineering
- Green building materials and technology
- Hydraulic engineering
- Marine structures
- Nanotechnology and civil engineering
- New technologies, methods and techniques in civil engineering
- Road, bridge, and railway engineering
- Safety management
- Structural mechanics
- Sustainable transportation
- Traffic engineering
- Transport infrastructure
- Transportation engineering
- Transportation safety
- Tunnel engineering
- Urban development
- Water resources
Manuscripts are invited for the International Conference on Civil, Structural and Transportation Engineering (ICCSTE) on topics lying within the scope of the conference. All contributions must be original and should not have been published elsewhere.
Three types of manuscripts could be published in the conference proceedings:
- Extended Abstracts
- Short Papers
- Full Papers
You may choose to submit any of the above based on the the weight of the contributions in your manuscript.
- Extended abstracts are welcome for publication. These submissions should be around 500 words and must give a clear indication of the objectives, scope, and results (if available) of the research. No figures or tables are allowed. Presentation for these submissions are limited to 10 minutes (if oral) or poster.
- Short papers must give a clear indication of the objectives, scope, and results of the paper, and must (at least) contain an abstract, an introduction, a results/discussion section, and a reference section. Short papers are limited to 4 pages. Presentation for these submissions are limited to 20 minutes (if oral) or poster.
- Full Papers are limited to 8 pages and are more descriptive of the work that has been done. Also, more sections, images, graphs, and results could be presented. Presentation for these submissions are limited to 20 minutes (if oral) or poster.