Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline
24th April 2020
About ICFIET 2020
Welcome to the official website of International Conference on Frontiers Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICFIET-20). It will be held on 12th - 13th June, 2020 at Goa, India. ICFIET-20 and is being organized by IFERP-India to provide an opportunity to research scholars, delegates and students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in technology application. ICFIET-20 will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in Next Generation Computing and Communication Technologies.
Engineering and technology
Call for Papers
Applied Sciences
- Applied Physics
- Applied Mathematics
- Architectural Science
- General Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Engineering
- Communication Studies
- Applied Physics & Electronics
- Science and Mechanics
- Electronics Science
- Sound Technology
- Systems Engineering
Engineering and Technology
- Industrial Engineering
- Information Management
- Integrated Electronics Engineering
- Information Systems
- Engineering and Mechanical Science
- Engineering Management
- Ecological Engineering
- Geological Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Mining Engineering
- Nanotechnology Engineering
- Technology Management
- Manafacturing Engineering
- Mechnical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
- Aeronautical Engineering
Business Management & Studies
- Managing Technology & Sustained Innovation
- Resource Management & Sustainable Development
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Corporate Ethics, Responsibility, and Liability
- Accounting and Finance
- Advertising
- Business Development
- business Planning Guides
- Company Composition
- Customer Service
- E-Commerce
- Employment Management
- Energy Topics
- Financial Management
- Inventory Control
- Insurance
- Legal Concerns
- Marketing
- Market Research
- Merchandising
Education & Technology
- Edtech Policy Development
- Computational Thinking
- Edtech Ecosystems
- Edtech Agencies
- Distribution and Organization of Digital Media
- Professional Learning
- AR, VR and Mixed Reality
- Artificial Intelligence
- Global Learning
- Learning Profiles
- Learning Sciences
- Digital Citizenship
- Student-Centric Online learning