


Istanbul, Turkey
25 - 27 October 2018
The conference ended on 27 October 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
25th August 2018

About ASOS

We would like to invite you to the “5th INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PHILOLOGY ” (www.asoscongress.com) that will be hosted by Yıldız Technical University on October 25-27, 2018 in İstanbul, Turkey.



Call for Papers

The 5th International Symposium on Philology  The 5th International Symposium on Philology will be held in Yıldız Technical University.

The accepted abstracts of symposium will be published in the “Book of Abstracts” and the full papers of symposium proceedings will be published in internationally peer-reviewed journals (chosen by the author) free of charge after completing peer-review process. The full papers of authors can also be published in the e-book of symposium. All proceedings will be indexed by Sobiad database.

The papers will be presented in English or Turkish. Participants are welcome to submit their studies as a 15 minute oral presentation. All papers will be assessed by double -blind peer review.

Within the scope of symposium, papers in the fields of Contemporary Turkish Dialects and Literatures, Translation Studies, World Languages and Literatures, Ancient Languages and Cultures, Comparative Literature, Classical Turkish Literature, Turkish Language, Turkish Folklore, Turkey Turkish Dialects, Modern Turkish Literature will be accepted.

Poster presentation sessions will also take place in the symposium.

We welcome the academicians, administers, education experts, teachers, graduate students and civil society organization and representatives working internationally or nationally in the field of educational sciences.

We look forward to see you in İstanbul, Turkey at the 5th International Symposium on Philology .

Start of Abstract Submission: 15.5.2018  Deadline of Abstract Submission: 25.8.2018  Notification of Abstract Acceptance: 30.8.2018  Deadline of Payment for Symposium: 20.9.2018  Announcement of Symposium Program: 30.9.2018  Symposium Start Date: 25.10.2018  Symposium Completion Date: 27.10.2018

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