1. All abstracts must be submitted online. 2. Submitters will be able to access complete submission instructions and guidelines online.
Abbreviations1. Use standard abbreviations. 2. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the first time the full word appears. 3. Do not abbreviate compounds in the title of the abstract. 4. Use numerals to indicate numbers, except when beginning sentences.
Abstract Character Limit1. Abstract Title Character Limit: 250 characters which EXCLUDES spaces. 2. Abstract Body Character Limit: 2,750 characters which EXCLUDES the title, names of authors/coauthors, authors’ affiliations, spacing and disclosures. 3. Abstract Image, Table and/or Graphic Upload Limit: There is a limit total of 3 images, table and/or graphic uploads per submission. Each uploaded table and/or graphic will decrease the character count by 250 characters from the total limit allowed. 4. References will be included against the character count. 5. Abstracts exceeding the character limit will be considered "incomplete". 6. Abstracts marked "incomplete" at the close of the submission deadline will be ineligible for consideration.
###h31. Take special care when entering your title as it may be published exactly as submitted. 2. Titles should be brief, clearly indicating the nature of the presentation. 3. Title character limit is 250 characters. 4. Titles DO NOT count toward the 2,750 abstract content character limit. 5. Include only ###a href="" target="_blank">commonly used acronyms in the abstract title. 6. Do not include trial group names or trial group acronyms in the abstract title, as they are not included in the unified list of acronyms approved by the principal journal editors. 7. Enter the title in the “title” field only and do not enter the title in the body of the abstract. 8. When entering the abstract title online, use mixed case (do not use all caps OR all lower case) and do not put a period at the end of the title:
Authors1. There is no limit to the number of authors that may be included in the author block. 2. All presenting authors and co-authors must disclose any relevant financial relationship(s) at the time of abstract submission. 3. See the abstract disclosure policy and authorship criteria below for additional author identification details and instructions.
Authorship Criteria1. Substantial contributions to study conception and design. 2. Substantial contributions to acquisition of data. 3. Substantial contributions to analysis and interpretation of data. 4. Drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content. 5. Final approval of the version of the article to be published. 6. Other critical study activities -specify-. 7. List authors of a trial group as “(insert first/last name of author) on behalf of (insert trial name)”. 8. There is no limit on the number of authors that may be included in the author block. 9. Complete instructions are available in the author’s section of the late-breaking abstract submission site.
Content1. Do not use new technical words, laboratory slang, words not defined in dictionaries, or abbreviations or terminology not consistent with internationally accepted guidelines. 2. Define any abbreviations the first time they are used. 3. Refer to the unified list of acronyms for recommendations on acceptable terms for scientific communication. 4. Omit all names and geographical references in the body of the abstract. 5. Organize content as follows: Background: Background or Statement of Purpose Methods: Methods, materials and analytical procedure used Results: Summary of the results in sufficient detail to support conclusion Conclusion: Conclusions reached (do not state “results will be discussed”)
Image, Tables and Graphics1. Up to three images are allowed, however each image/table counts as 250 characters towards your maximum of 2750 total characters. 2. The characters in the table do NOT count towards this limit – each table is worth exactly 250 characters. 3. The maximum allowable size of each image is 2.5 MB. 4. Images will be accepted as PNG, JPG, or GIF files. 5. If your table exceeds eight (8) columns, please upload it as an image. This will help us ensure consistent and accurate output of your abstract at time of publication.
Disclosure PolicyCommercial interest is considered any entity producing marketing, re-selling or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients. Conflict of Interest exists when individuals (within 12 months, including the spouse/partner) have a relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest and the opportunity to affect the content of the CME about the products or services of that commercial interest.
Disclosure Statement Submission1. Keep in mind, all disclosure information must be entered in the on-line submission site. 2. Presenting Authors are permitted to enter the disclosure information on the behalf of each co-author during the on-line abstract submission process. 3. Each Co-author may choose to complete this form and return it to Presenting Author.
Institutional Review Board AffirmationAn Institutional Review Board is charged with protecting the rights and welfare of people involved in research. If your research involved human subjects, you will be required to check a box during the submission process to attest that you have received the appropriate IRB approval.
Involvement of Individuals Not Listed as Authors1. Names of all individuals who had a substantial role in the study or abstract preparation, but are not included in the list of authors must be disclosed. 2. For each individual, please describe the activity or activities, (e.g., one or more of the activities included in the authorship criteria list), the reason the individual is not listed as an author and the manner in which the individual’s participation is being disclosed to the learner.
Multiple Submissions of Same Study1. The same study should not be submitted as multiple abstracts. 2. Therefore, if the abstracts in question are not different enough to be considered separate studies (specifically, if they address the same research question or present the same results), they may all be rejected.
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