

6th Panhellenic Conference of Developmental Psychology 2018

Thessaloniki, Greece
10 - 13 May 2018
The conference ended on 13 May 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
10th November 2017
Abstract Acceptance Notification
1st February 2018
Early Bird Deadline
20th March 2018

About DEVPSY2018

The Conference aims to promote excellence in developmental psychology research, education and application on related fields, such as school, healthcare, work, etc. Participants will have the opportunity to attend oral and poster sessions and symposia related to the individual, social, mental, physical, professional etc. aspects of human development. Also, issues related to the development of people with disabilities and special educational needs will be addressed. Our goal is to engage participants in a creative dialogue on the fields of Developmental Psychology, to empower communication and promote scientific partnerships.


Early childhood, Cognitive development, Language development, Lifelong development and learning, Physical development, Motor development, Emotional and social development, Fetal period - neonatal period - infancy, Middle childhood, Adolescence, Young adulthood, Middle adulthood, Old age, Family and school as developmental frameworks for children, Applications in general and special education, Intervention programs, Interdisciplinary approaches in development, Research and methodology issues

Call for Papers

Dear colleagues,

You may want to take a look at the Call for papers of the 6th Conference of Developmental Psychology which will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, in May 10 to 13, 2018 http://developmentalpsychology2018.gr/index.php/en/

The conference is organized by the Hellenic Psychological Society (Division of Developmental Psychology) in collaboration with Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia, Greece, and is expected to attract a big number of participants, researchers, practitioners and experts in the field of developmental psychology. 

Check out our distinguished keynote speakers at http://developmentalpsychology2018.gr/index.php/en/program/keynote-speakers

We will be glad to welcome you in our Conference and city.

Best regards,

Maria Platsidou

Chair of the Organizing Committee


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