The main topics will be problems of contemporary education related to the cultural and social change. We especially invite transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary scholars as one of our aims is to avoid the sometimes unclear divisions between different branches and disciplines as well as to promote knowledge above all boundaries. Each year we host numerous scholars from various countries and almost all continents. Some of them come back to attend our conference every year.
The conference participants are entitled to submit their papers for the 2nd issue of the “Journal of Education, Culture and Society”, a reviewed (double blind peer-review) academic semi-annual periodical (for more information, see: The journal is indexed in many international databases: Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science), Index Copernicus, ERIHplus, CEEOL, DOAJ, CEJSH, EBSCO (Academic Search Complete), JournalSeek, and BazHum. The “Journal of Education, Culture and Society” is published in printed form as well as on-line in open access. The articles need to be sent by 31st of May 2020. The Journal issue will be ready in print for the conference meeting.
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