

8th International Conference on Information Law and Ethics Modern Intellectual Property Governance and Openness in Europe: A Long and Winding Road? 2018

Antwerp, Belgium
13 - 14 December 2018
The conference ended on 14 December 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
15th September 2018
Abstract Acceptance Notification
15th October 2018
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
15th January 2019

About ICIL2018

The conference will examine the challenges of digitalization, collaboration, data sharing and innovation within the context of IP protection (incl. copyright protection, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, designs, etc. The focus will be on Europe, but comparative perspectives are very welcome as well. Suggested paper topics: access to information, access to knowledge, open innovation, co-creation, open source, open science, open access, open data, data sharing, Nagoya Protocol, artificial intelligence & IPRs, openness and blockchain technology (non-exhaustive list).


Open access, Open science, Governance and regulations, Open data, Intellectual property rights

Call for Papers

We would like to invite you to submit an abstract for the 8th International Conference on Information Law (ICIL 2018) Modern Intellectual Property Governance and "Openness" in Europe: A Long and Winding Road?, which will take place on December 13-14th in Antwerp. ICIL 2018 is organized by the University of Antwerp (Research Group Government and Law) in collaboration with the Ionian University (Greece), the KU Leuven (CiTiP) and the University of Ghent. ICIL has typically been focusing on access to information, information law, copyright law and ethics. This year we try to broaden the scope of the conference covering a wide variety of topics related to intellectual property law, governance and openness. We have a special interest in Europe, but input from other jurisdictions is also more than welcome. ICIL is also open to scholars from many different disciplines. Suggested topics include: access to information, access to knowledge, open innovation, open science, open access, open data, data sharing, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, intellectual property and contemporary issues of openness, e-government and the digital divide. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Please submit your abstract to info@icil.gr at the latest on September 15th, 2018. You will be notified by October 15th, 2018 whether your abstract has been accepted. The proceedings of the conference will be published and several papers may be considered for a special issue. Full paper deadline: January 15th, 2019. The abstract should be submitted as a pdf-file consisting of maximum 500 words. It should include a short description of the background of the paper, the research question/research objective, the methodology and maximum 10 references (not included in the word limit). Please include your full name and affiliation in the e-mail and not in the pdf-file for purposes of the abstract review. We hope you will be able to join us as a speaker and/or as a chair of a special session during the conference. Please visit our website https://icil.gr/2018/ to stay up to date. We look forward to meeting you in Antwerp in December! The Organizing Committee Esther van Zimmeren & Nikos Koutras, University of Antwerp Maria Botti, Ionian University (ICIL Representative) Marie-Christine Janssens, KU Leuven Hein Vanhees, University of Ghent/Antwerp

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