How can Africa and Europe move forward together? Leuphana University of Lueneburg and the GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies invite experts from academia and practice to discuss current approaches, policies and interventions for African development. The conference fosters the exchange of ideas between science and practice to close the knowing-doing gap and to contribute to a more rigorous implementation of evidence-based solutions in a wider range of areas. The aim is to create an interdisciplinary platform to address the challenges of African development and European development cooperation by applying the logic of evidence-based management and policy
Submission Options
From now until October 15, you can submit abstracts of your paper(s), research and practical projects, or contributed sessions (including a list of 2-3 speakers).
Additionally, you can register for the Organized Workshop by Leuphana on Saturday.
You can submit several abstracts for the three options. All this can be done during registration or via
Submission Procedure
Authors will receive an email with information on acceptance of their abstracts on October 31. Some papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue in World Development.
If you prefer to send us your abstract(s) via email, first register via Upon registration you can indicate whether you want to send us your abstract(s) later on.
Your abstract should be a maximum 750-word abstract (in doc / docx format) including title, description of the project, method, implications and results
As a requirement for the Special Issue papers must (1) have a strong evidence base for proposed arguments; (2) avoid advocacy except for recommendations that rest on analysis and evidence; (3) clearly show the advance over existing knowledge; and (4) be empirical analyses for the most part and should not be based mostly on reviews of existing work. Please find here a Guide for Authors.
We will only consider your abstract(s) if you register for conference participation and submit your abstract(s) until October 15, 2018.
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