
Revista UDLA

Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales: Revista de Investigación 2018

Quito, Ecuador
22 February - 15 March 2018
The conference ended on 15 March 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
15th April 2018

About Revista UDLA

The Revista de Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales is published annually by the Universidad de las Américas. The Journal receives academic articles of theoretical and/or empirical relevance throughout the year; those articles will be included immediately in our repository, and must pass through the processes of internal and external review for its respective approval. Additionally, the Editorial team will conduct an annual call for papers for the reception of articles framed in a dossier or of free thematic.


Corruption, Political economy, Political philosophy, Political theory, International relations and political economy

Call for Papers

Ecuador, Latin America, and the world have been affected by a wave of corruption scandals. The opacity in foreign operations and the influence of international actors, such as transnational corporations, financial entities and offshore enterprises have shown to be highly relevant factors that have amplified corruption networks and certainly have exacerbated the problem. At the same time, international cooperation initiatives and intergovernmental organizations have demonstrated a lack of capacity at the moment of solving this problem, and seem to be unable to exert sufficient influence in combatting the issue of corruption. In accordance with Transparency International, in 2016 more than two thirds among a list of 176 countries considered that their country was corrupt or highly corrupt.[1] “The interplay of corruption and inequality also feeds populism. When traditional politicians fail to tackle corruption, people grow cynical. Increasingly, people are turning to populist leaders who promise to break the cycle of corruption and privilege”.[2] As a result, the increase of populist strategies in politics is visible, both on the regional and international stage, without distinction among political affiliations and institutionality levels. “Ciencias Políticas y Relaciones Internacionales: Revista de Investigación” invites proposals for articles which reflect on this issue and other challenges associated with it, both from the political approach as from the International Relations perspective. In particular those which hinder the States’ development and threaten to affect the stability of global governance, democracy and the citizens’ quality of life. The proposal and articles must be sent by 15th of April, 2018 to: revistapolitica@udla.edu.ec The Journal will receive contributions on the following topics, but are not limited to: Corruption in Latin America as a barrier to development The relation between corruption and populism Solid and trustworthy institutions as a measure to challenge corruption Problems associated with corruption Public policies against corruption International corruption networks The role of international organizations in the fight against corruption The challenges of global governance against corruption [1]Transparency International, “CORRUPTION PERCEPTIONS INDEX 2016”, https://www.transparency.org/n... [2] Ibíd.

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