
Comparative study between Prediction of seepage flow through rockfill dam with concrete upstream blanket and a zoned embankment dam using three heuristic artificial intelligence approaches

Comparative study between Prediction of seepage flow through rockfill dam with concrete upstream blanket and a zoned embankment dam using three heuristic artificial intelligence approaches 2020

Blida , Algeria
18 - 21 June 2020
The conference ended on 21 June 2020

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
1st February 2020
Abstract Acceptance Notification
15th February 2020
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
15th March 2020

About Comparative study between Prediction of seepage flow through rockfill dam with concrete upstream blanket and a zoned embankment dam using three heuristic artificial intelligence approaches

This scientific event is really very interesting, it deals with several subjects in hydraulics and especially on my theme "Infiltration in earth dams (underground hydraulics), for that I would like to participate in this seminar to develop and improve my knowledge and change ideas with other researchers. cordially


Groundwater flow

Call for Papers


Water becomes a rare and expensive good and allows to feed and irrigation only a populations and surfaces more and more limited. Drinking water supply and irrigation needs are poorly controlled because of the large volumes of water infiltrated below embankment dams, for this the precise calculation of seepage under these dams’ plays a primordial to provide and manage the necessary water needs. The goal was to predict seepage flow (Q) through rockfill dam with concrete upstream blanket and zoned embankment dams, using three artificial intelligence models, i.e., multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS), least squares support vector machine (LSSVM), and M5 model tree (M5Tree). The three models were constructed exclusively using in situ measured data from two dams: El Agrem dam located at Jijel province, and Fontaine Gazelles dam located at Biskra province. The obtained results using artificial intelligence models were compared to those obtained using the multiple linear regression (MLR) models. We used two different input variables for developing the models: (i) the daily reservoir water level (WL) and the piezometer elevation (PL) measured at seven different piezometers (PZ1 to PZ7). The results show that the estimation accuracy for Fontaine Gazelles dam is much better than those obtained for El Agrem. All the models performed reasonably well, but the LSSVM was the most consistent predictor of seepage flow for the two data sets. The validation results showed that the LSSVM model has showed significantly better accuracy of seepage flow prediction with root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.432 L/s, mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.302 L/s and correlation coefficient R of 0.952 for Fontaine Gazelles, and RMSE of 0.544 L/s, MAE of 0.344 L/s and correlation coefficient R of 0.731 for El Agrem dam. After getting results we conclude that, the reservoir water level is an influencing parameter in the seepage flow and that the proposed model can be very helpful in estimation of seepage flow, while limitations of the prediction using a standard regression model are illustrated.

Keys words: Zoned embankment dam; concrete upstream blanket; LSSVM; MARS; M5Tree; MLR. 

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