
Coping with risks in agriculture

Coping with risks in agriculture: what challenges and prospects? 2018

Paris, France
22 - 23 February 2018
The conference ended on 23 February 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
1st October 2017
Abstract Acceptance Notification
21st October 2017
Early Bird Deadline
10th December 2017
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
15th January 2018

About Coping with risks in agriculture

This international academic conference aims at contributing to an update on the state-of-the-art in risk management in agriculture, with the research results from international academics of the social sciences and feedback and experience of agricultural professionals. The goal of this conference is to contribute to a joint reflection on the challenges farmers are facing today in terms of risks and how they cope. This symposium aims at providing guidance to farmers and policy-makers for a more viable and resilient agriculture.


Agricultural risks, Farm management, Risk perception, Risk attitudes

Call for Papers

All conference proposals on risks in agriculture are welcome. Contributors are encouraged to develop proposals on sensitive issues and emerging challenges on risks in agriculture in developed or developing countries. Proposals may focus on the following themes (but are not limited to this list): 

·         Risk management instruments and actors (agricultural cooperatives, insurance companies, contracts, futures…)

·         Risk and diversification strategies (wood sector, agricultural methanization, biofuels, agrotourism, short supply chains…)

·         Risk, public policy and regulatory development (CAP, CETA, TAFTA…)

·         Risk and uncertainty linked to the complexity of the farming sector

·         Farmers’ risk perceptions, attitudes and aversion

·         Organization of agro-food sectors and price and quality risks for farmers

·         Agricultural crisis/es and learning process

·         New technologies, opportunities and risks

·         Quality and food safety in food chains

·         Liberalization of agricultural markets and price volatility

·         Mitigation and adaptation strategies to climate change in developing and developed countries

·         Agriculture, risks and natural resource management (water, soils…)

·         Occupational risks in agriculture

·         Adaptation to risk and resilience in agriculture

·         Risks and urban agriculture

·         Complementarity between agricultural systems and risk management

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Zohra Bouamra-Mechemache (Toulouse School of Economics, INRA), Ben  Bradshaw (University of Guelph), Jean Cordier (AgroCampus Ouest), Toni Darbas (CSIRO), Yann De Mey (Wageningen University & Research), Michel Dubois (INTERACT, UniLaSalle), Muriel Figuié (CIRAD, UMR MOISA, Montpellier), Robert Finger (ETH Zürich), Alberto Garrido (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid), Françoise Gérard (CIRAD, UPR GREEN, Nogent-sur-Marne), John Brian Hardaker (University of New England), Raymond Jussaume (Michigan State University), Richard Just (University of Maryland) , Sylvie Lupton (INTERACT, UniLaSalle), Bill Malcolm (University of Melbourne), Nadine Marshall (CSIRO), Claude Ménard (Centre d’Economie de la Sorbonne, University Paris 1), Miranda Meuwissen (Wageningen University & Research), Hanitra Randrianasolo (University of Paris-Sud, UniLaSalle), Daniel Rodriguez (University of Queensland), Carla Roncoli (Emory University), Pascal Salembier (Tech-CICO, Université de Technologie de Troyes), Loïc Sauvée (INTERACT, UniLaSalle), Nicola Shadbolt (Massey University), Ganesh Shivakoti (Arizona State University, AIT Bangkok), Vincent Smith (Montana State University), Inès Sneessens (ICEDD), Joshua Woodard (Cornell University), Bryan Wynne (Lancaster University), Milad Zarin-Nejadan (University of Neuchâtel)

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:  Sylvie Lupton (INTERACT research unit, UniLaSalle), Nalini Rakotonandraina (INTERACT research unit, UniLaSalle), Loïc Sauvée (INTERACT research unit, UniLaSalle), Hanitra Randrianasolo (University of Paris-Sud, UniLaSalle), Michel Dubois (INTERACT research unit, UniLaSalle), François Delaisse (Groupama Paris Val de Loire), Estelle Escamilla (Groupama Paris Val de Loire), Thierry Dechêne (Groupama Paris Val de Loire)

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