

Cyber Attack Response and DefeSe (formerly ICDF2C) 2019

Milan, Italy
13 - 15 September 2019
The conference ended on 15 September 2019

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
29th March 2019
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
29th March 2019
Abstract Acceptance Notification
12th May 2019


This year, we are excited to expand the scope of the International Conference of Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (ICDF2C), into Cyber Attacks Response and Defense (CARDS). The scope of digital forensics is expanding, and as we continuously explore mechanisms of hacking into devices to pull evidence, as well as find traces of evidence of complex hacks, it has become apparent that different cybersecurity communities have to start working together. The 2019 conference will embody this mission, and as such, has a new major track, focused on Attacks and Defense, complementing the existing, Response-focused ICDF2C track.


Cybercrime, Digital forensics, Incident response, Red team, Blue team, Attack, Defense

Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS AND PROPOSALS  CONFERENCE NEW WEBSITE: http://www.cardsconference.org  CONFERENCE OLD WEBSITE: http://www.d-forensics.org 

============  INTRODUCTION  ============ 

This year, we are excited to expand the scope of the International Conference of Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime (ICDF2C), into Cyber Attacks Response and Defense (CARDS). The scope of digital forensics is expanding, and as we continuously explore mechanisms of hacking into devices to pull evidence, as well as find traces of evidence of complex hacks, it has become apparent that different cybersecurity communities have to start working together. The 2019 conference will embody this mission, and as such, has a new major track, focused on Attacks and Defense, complementing the existing, Response-focused ICDF2C track. We are excited about this change, and we hope that this will inspire scientists and practitioners in various cybersecurity sub-disciplines to work together. We are especially interested in promoting, inspiring and embracing applied cybersecurity work, and we are aiming to position this conference as the premiere venue for applied cybersecurity and forensics.

=====  SCOPE  ===== 

Emerging technologies bring with them new avenues for cyber attacks, and this requires new strategies for cyber defense. Moreover, the increased complexity of communication and networking infrastructure has made the investigation of cybercrime more difficult. Clues of illegal activities are often buried in large volumes of data that needs to be sifted through in order to detect crimes and collect evidence. The field of digital forensics and cybercrime investigation has become very important for law enforcement, national security, and information assurance.  This conference brings together practitioners and researchers from diverse fields providing opportunities for engagement among attendees. The conference is not only a venue for networking, but also provides high-quality training opportunities through expert speakers and tutorials on basic and advanced forensic and high attack/defensive methods on a large scale applied on emerging on new technologies. 

============  PAPER TOPICS  ============ 

We encourage submissions of presentations and papers for our two tracks:  ICDF2C - Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime  Attacks and Defense (NEW)  Some topics of interest for the Attacks and Defense track include but are not limited to:  Measurement studies  Cyber warfare attacks and defense  Social cyber-attacks and defense  Memory exploitation  Applied cryptography  Network protocol vulnerability analysis  Blockchain attacks  Reverse engineering, and reverse engineering Automation  Operational experience and case studies  Malware infection vectors (drivebys, worms, mobile exploits, etc.)  Phishing  Applied decryption techniques  Eavesdropping  SPAM  Attacks and Defense of emerging technologies  Carding and identity theft  Hardware vulnerabilities  Insider threat detection and prevention  Application of data science to cyber attacks and defense  Attacks against distributed cloud storage  Some topics of interest for the ICDF2C track include but are not limited to:  Advances in traditional system forensic methods  Anti-Forensics  Social cyber forensics  New filesystem analysis  Memory forensics  Multimedia and artifact analysis  Emerging approaches in Cyber Forensics  Incident Response (IR) and malware analysis  SCADA Forensics and Critical Infrastructure Protection  Digital forensic science  Cyber Crime Law, Psychology and Economics  Forensic analysis of new technologies  Network forensics  IoT forensics  Drone forensics  Gaming device forensics  Image and video forensics  Application of data science to forensics and incidence response  Forensics of distributed cloud storage.

================  PAPER SUBMISSION  ================ 

Papers should be submitted through the EAI Confy system ( http://confy.eai.eu/52603 ), and have to comply with the Springer LNCS format ( http://www.springer.com/gp/com... ).  Regular papers should be 10 to 20 pages in length.  Short papers should be 6 to 10 pages in length.  When uploading your paper, please upload both a PDF formatted according to the Springer LNCS format, and an archive file (e.g. ZIP, tar.gz) containing both the PDF version and the LaTeX or Word source file. 

=================  PAPER PUBLICATION  ================= 

All registered papers will be submitted for publication by Springer and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.  CARDS proceedings are submitted for inclusion in Ei Compendex, ISI Web of Science, Scopus, CrossRef, Google Scholar, DBLP, as well as EAI’s own EU Digital Library (EUDL).  Authors of selected best accepted and presented papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:  Wireless Networks (WINET) Journal (IF: 1.981)  All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:  EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety

=================  OTHER SUBMISSION CATEGORIES ================= 

The Conference Organizing Committee invites submissions from individuals or groups to conduct Special Workshops and/or technical tutorials. The purpose of workshops is to emphasize emerging topics of particular interest to the conference attendees not specifically covered in the main conference, technical skill development, new technologies, and industry perspectives.  ** Industrial Talk: Typically a 1,000 word description of the proposed talk. All talks must be vendor neutral.  ** Panel Proposal: Typically a 1,000 word description, identifying the panelists to be involved.  ** Workshop/Tutorial Proposal: Typically a 1,000 word description of topic(s), potential speakers, program length, hands-on activity and potential audience. Also, include proposer resume(s).  Workshop/tutorial proposals should include the following information:  ** Proposed title and organizers (names, affiliations, email; identify one primary contact person).  ** Description of workshop: objectives, goals, and expected outcomes.  ** Statement regarding how the workshop can benefit the conference attendees/community.  ** Any special space or equipment requests.  ** Biographical sketches of the organizers  Proposals will be peer-reviewed and rated using the following criteria:  ** Relevance to conference vision/topics and attendees  ** Potential to bring in participants to the conference from different audiences  ** Overall quality of contribution  ** Provides a hands-on, collaborative, and/or active learning environment for attendees  For any proposal submissions, or for questions about workshops and tutorial proposals, please contact the workshop chair at fabio.pierazzi@kcl.ac.uk using the subject line “[CARDS 2019] Workshop Proposal”. 

===============  IMPORTANT DATES  =============== 

Full Paper Submission deadline:  1 April 2019  Workshop/Tutorial Proposal deadline:  1 April 2019  Notification deadline:  15 May 2019  Camera-ready deadline:  15 June 2019  Start of Conference:  16 September 2019  End of Conference:  18 September 2019 

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