Our last aim is to attract participants by offering an environment of inspiring presentations and debates. EURAU18 invites students, researchers and professionals from multiple fields: Architects, anthropologists, artists, designers, engineers, economists, writers, geographers, historians, sociologists, urban planners, among others will join their forces with specific vision articulated in scientific articles.
Since EURAU18 is conceived as a symposium in progress, we will ask only for Extended Abstracts. You are not required to submit a full paper.
English is the official language of EURAU18 symposium. The word limit of the Extended Abstracts is 1.200 words, without including notes and bibliography. The abstract should be submitted, specifying the topic it addresses, using the template available in our Alicante University Online Conference Service (OCS) at the EURAU18 REGISTRATION.
International experts, who are members of the Scientific Committee, will assess the Abstracts. The review process will be Double-Blind Peer Review according the topics.
The length of the presentations of the Extended Abstracts selected by the Scientific Committee will be 15 minutes and organized around parallel thematic sessions. You will be informed about the reference of your session and the time of your presentation 4 weeks before the event. If you have any personal request on when to present your paper, please send us an email with your preference.
The EURAU18 Proceedings with all the selected Extended Abstracts will be produced by a prestigious academic publisher, and available to all participants at the symposium.
After EURAU18, a further selection of the presented papers will be made according to the debate in the Parallel Sessions and they prepared as articles to be published in prestigious magazines, such as RITA, Cuaderno de Notas, or in a special issue of [i2] investigación e innovación en arquitectura y territorio. Furthermore, the aim is to publish a book with the title RETROACTIVE RESEARCH.
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