

European workshop on software ecosystems 2017

Darmstadt, Germany
23 November 2017
The conference ended on 23 November 2017

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
15th October 2017
Abstract Acceptance Notification
15th October 2017
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
15th November 2017

About EWSECO2017

The European Workshop on Software Ecosystems is an annual event which connects researchers and fellow professionals in the field of software ecosystems. For the sixth workshop we are looking forward to short presentations and long breaks which fuel discussions and networking between participants from all across the software industry and academia.


Mobile apps, Software business, Software ecosystems, Partner ecosystems, Appstores, Platform business models

Call for Papers

We would like to invite researchers and practitioners in the field of software ecosystem and business networks to come together in Darmstadt, Germany, on November 23th 2017, to discuss their recent (academic) research, insights or issues related to management of ecosystems, business models or technical issues including but not limited to topics like

  • "What are the business and engagement models of business networks and how are they managed?",
  • "What metrics exist for ecosystems and business networks to tell if they are healthy?" ,
  • "How do I handle intellectual property in partner ecosystems and business networks?"
  • "How can we view the Internet of Things as a software ecosystem and what properties does it have?“
  • „How can decentralized ecosystems (e.g. ecosystems without an underlying platform) be designed and what technologies drive the emergence of such ecosystems?“
  • „How can participation of an actor in several ecosystem be managed?“
  • „How do ecosystems differ in various domains?“
  • „How do platform business models distinguish from other business models and what are requirements for platform-based business models?“
  • „How can multi-sided partner relationships be managed? Are there approaches to set up such relationships?“
  • „How do ecosystems in Big Data Analytics and Machine Learning look like? What are differences and characteristics of such ecosystems?"
  • „How do ecosystems evolve e.g. based on lessons learned?"

We will invite practitioners to the workshop to ensure discussion about the practical impact of research and to give the presenters the opportunity to discuss with practitioners and researchers alike. The workshop location at Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research in Darmstadt (Fraunhoferstraße 5, 64283 Darmstadt), Germany, with many software and software service companies having an office nearby which eases the participation for practitioners.

Workshop style

Socialize and discuss with (academic) researchers and fellow professionals. We value discussion as well as presentations. So a short, 15 minute presentation is followed by 15 min discussion with fellow researchers and practitioners. The workshop will be held in English language only.

Poster session

As a new feature of the workshop, we are offering a poster session. If you are interested to present your work in progress to practitioners and fellow researchers, please submit a title and abstract as stated below, mentioning that it should be a poster session.


Propose your presentation titles or poster proposals via email (title and 100 word abstract) to ewseco17@software-ecosystem.com Submission deadline is October 15th 2017 6pm CET.

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