

IEEE Games Entertainment & Media conference 2018

Galway, Ireland
15 - 17 August 2018
The conference ended on 17 August 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
21st April 2018
Early Bird Deadline
1st May 2018
Abstract Acceptance Notification
15th May 2018
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
30th June 2018


Conference Scope:  IEEE GEM encompasses all aspects of gaming & interactive digital media; theoretical advances, mathematical, algorithmic techniques; new enabling technologies: consumer-electronics systems, sensing, fog &cloud, augmented/mixed reality; digital-arts, societal impacts, healthcare, and unique/original uses and applications of these technologies.  For 2018 the conference theme of "Augmented Spaces &Virtual Worlds is supported by an excellent panel of 9 International keynotes.  IEEE GEM is for scientists, engineers, technologists, sociologists, programmers and games researchers of all disciplines, united in their interest and enthusiasm for digital games, interactive entertainment & media and the significant uses and impacts these technologies have on our lives.


Audio signal processing, Digital arts, Sensors and sensing, Video games, Virtual worlds, Fog computing, Non-leisure games and gamification, Games and entertainment, Augmented and/or mixed reality, Grid and cloud computing, Serious games, Gamification and social game mechanics, Mobile & wearable technologies, Augmented spaces, Games technology, User interface, Societal impacts of gaming, Social gaming, Gaming in medicine & healthcare, Gesture sensing, Games for learning, Games for health, Mobile games

Call for Papers

Continuing the tradition of IEEE GEM (2009-2016) the conference organising committee is proud to introduce IEEE GEM 2018 to be held in the Alice Perry Engineering Building, at the National University of Ireland Galway,  

Chair’s Message: It is a great pleasure to introduce you to IEEE GEM 2018 and invite your participation in this year’s conference. In bringing the conference to its current state of organization I have had the opportunity to work with an amazing team of volunteers – I would like to thank all of you sincerely for your efforts to date; today, IEEE GEM has a line-up of  inspiring keynote speakers; plus 4 topical panel sessions panel sessions and 2 challenging hands-on technical workshops. Our venue, the Alice Perry Engineering Building, at the National University of Ireland Galway has capacity for up to 24 speakers sessions – now we wait for your research contributions to complete what will be an awesome conference program

Peter Corcoran, Conference Chair IEEE GEM 2018

Conference Scope: In scope IEEE GEM encompasses all aspects of gaming and interactive digital media ranging from theoretical advances in algorithmic and mathematical techniques, to new enabling technologies, advanced consumer electronics systems, novel sensing technologies, to socio-economic impacts and unique and original uses and applications of these technologies. 

IEEE GEM is for scientists, engineers, technologists, sociologists, mathematicians, programmers and games researchers of all disciplines, united in their interest and enthusiasm for digital games, interactive entertainment & media and the significant uses and impacts these technologies have on our lives. 

Invitation to contribute your research: GEM delegates are encouraged to submit original research workswithin the scope of IEEE GEM. The main conference tracks are:


  • GEM in the Cloud
  • Mobile & Wearable Technologies for GEM
  • Augmented & Virtual Reality
  • Social and Economic Aspects of GEM
  • Societal & Behavioural Impacts
  • GEM in Medical Applications
  • Augmented Spaces
  • Emerging Technologies:  User Interface, Location Sensing, Touch & Haptics, Motion-Capture, Distributed Intelligence, Displays, Gesture-Sensing & Affective Systems.
  • eSports & Live Streaming
  • Serious Gaming
  • Education & Learning through GEM technology
  • Artificial Intelligence in GEM: AI Engines & Accelerators, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning & Neural Networks
  • Digital Arts & Humanities in GEM

Industry Research Themes

  • GEM Design, Development & User Experience
  • Serious Gaming & Industry Applications
  • Practical Case Studies of GEM
  • GEM Platforms & Infrastructure
  • Standards & Open-Source GEM

Conference Research Theme: The main conference theme reflects recent technology developments in consumer technologies, in particular the availability of advanced AR software, advances in sensing and computer vision & display technologies and the growing sophistication of new cloud computing services; thus, we find ourselves in a world open with new technological capabilities to design & create novel “Augmented Spaces and Virtual Worlds”. 

Plenary Keynote Sessions: GEM will feature 8 plenary keynote sessions. Details are available on the conference website: ###a href="http://bit.ly/GEMspeakers" target="_blank" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?hl=en&q=http://bit.ly/GEMspeakers&source=gmail&ust=1522569181248000&usg=AFQjCNG7JQZ3wYBAuqM05ezcjtMSRJu2IA">http://bit.ly/GEMspeakers. 

Publication Opportunities: The conference proceedings will be published and indexed on IEEE Xplore. In addition, there will be opportunities for special sections in several IEEE Journals and technical Magazines. Seehttp://bit.ly/GEMpubops for details. Selected papers will receive mentoring & assistance from members of the IEEE GEM organising committee to develop their articles for archival publication in relevant IEEE Journals.

Conference Venue: GEM 2018 will be held in the Alice Perry Engineering Building on the NUI Galway campus. The venue is close to the Corrib Student Village where reserved accommodation is available for delegates. The venue is a 15 minute walk from downtown Galway. 

Conference Timeline: Submissions should be made via the EDAS conference management system; if you do not yet have an EDAS account then please register; submit a paper via the menu; select the GEM 2018 conference. Or there is a detailed guide here. Submissions should be in standard IEEE two-column format. Note that by IEEE policy each submitted paper requires one full conference registration fee to be paid by one of the authors. For additional details or queries please contact the publication chair or conference manager. 

Submission deadlines:  21st April 2018

Notification:  end-May 2018

Camera-Ready papers: end-June 2018


Conference Chairs: Peter Corcoran, dr.peter.corcoran@ieee.org Elena Bertozzi elena.bertozzi@quinnipiac.edu   

Program Chair: Sam Redfern, sam.redfern@nuigalway.ie

Publicity Chair: Lee Stogner; l.stogner@ieee.org  

Publications Chair: Tom Wilson; tom.wilson@ieee.org

Conference Manager: Charlotte Kobert; ckobert@ieee.org

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