IEMERA- 2019 aims to provide a premier platform for Electrical, Electronics and Computer engineers, researchers, scientists and academician from universities, research organizations and industries to present their work and to share experiences and ideas in the emerging areas such as Renewable Energy, Energy storage, Power Electronics & drives, Smart devices and communication systems, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Control and automation etc. The accepted & presented papers will be published in peer reviewed SCOPUS index proceedings of Taylor & Francis (CRC Press).
The conference will be held for three days with number of plenary sessions, parallel paper and poster presentation sessions on different emerging trends and domains.
The accepted & presented papers will be published in peer reviewed SCOPUS index proceedings of Taylor & Francis (CRC Press).
We invite submissions for consideration in the following thematic areas for IEMERA 2019. Please note papers are not restricted to, but should focus on the keywords and context given under each theme, covering interdisplinary research
The topics are (but not limited to)
Renewable Energy & Smart Microgrids Energy Storage Power Electronics and Energy Efficient Drives Power Quality Improvement Techniques Condition Monitoring of Electrical Equipments Power System dynamics & Control Wireless Sensor Networks Intelligent Signal Processing & Communication Robotics & Automation Smart Consumer Electronics Internet of Things (IoT) Artificial Intelligence & Soft Computing Techniques
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