Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline
10th August 2020
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
20th August 2020
Registration Deadline
20th August 2020
About ICAMCT 2020
ICAMCT 2020 is an opportunity for academics, students, scholars, scientists and engineers from around the world who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of systems and concepts to combat information warfare or to improve Applied Mathematics and Communication Technology to come together and exchange ideas. This conference is trying to establish itself as a key event for the understanding of threats and risks to information systems, the development of a strong security culture, and incident investigation.
Information and communication technology and e-business,
Applied mathematics,
Communication technology,
The impact of information and communication technology in management of primary health care centers in kaduna state,
Advances in biological sciences advances in physical and chemical sciences application in geology and environmental sciences innovations in computer science and electronics recent trends in pure and applied mathematics,
Information and communication technology,
Big data and communication technology public transportation system promoting sustainable living science and engineering science communication and policy education system and culture corruption,
Big data and communication technology,
Electronics and information technology green manufacturing and engineering sustainability and green information and communication technology and smart grids big data management,
Green manufacturing and engineering sustainability and green information and communication technology and smart grids big data management,
Computational and applied mathematics,
Applied mathematics and statistics,
Information communication technology,
Track-1 (information communication technology),
Ictlaw - information and communication technology law