International Conference on Frontiers Innovation in Engineering and Technology (ICFIET-19).It is going to be held on 17th-18th August 2019 in Hotel Ashok, Nagpur. ICFIET-19 is a global event organized by Institute For Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP). This conference provides an international forum for researchers, developers, engineers and practitioners who are involved in real time projects that provide solutions to exchange their valuable ideas and showcase the ongoing works which may lead to path breaking foundation of the future. It accentuates indispensability of interdisciplinary and cross – linked thinking with respect of innovation and market opportunities.
Call for Papers
Computer Engineering
- 1.Advanced Databases
- 2.Advanced Operating Systems
- 3.Animation and artificial intelligence
Civil Engineering
1.Control systems
- 2.Control Theory and Application Electronic Materials
- 3.Electrical Machines, Drivers and Application
- 4.Electrical Traction Systems and Control
Chemical Engineering
- 1.Organic Chemistry
- 2.Chemical engineering end thermodynamics
- 3.Environmental science and engineering
- 4.Material Science and technology
- 5.Chemical process and plant safety
- 6.Food technology
- 7.Fluidization
- 8.Green chemistry
- 9.Fertilizer technology
- 10.Drugs and pharmaceutical technology
- 11.Enzyme and fermentation engineering
- 12.Petroleum technology
- 13.Pulp and paper industry applications
- 14.Polymer technology
Electrical Communication
1.ASIC and FPGA Design
- 3.Filters
- 4.Image processing
- 5.Information Security
Mechanical Engineering
- 1.Automobile engineering
- 2.Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 3.Energy and environment:
- Ø Environmental and Pollution control
- Ø Disaster Management
- Ø Energy Conservation and Management
- Ø Renewable Sources of Energy
- Ø Vibration and Noise Control
- 4.Engines and Heat exchangers
- 5.Fault diagnosis
Biomedical Engineering
- 1.Bioinformatics.
- 2.Bioinstrumentation.
- 3.Biomaterials.
- 4.Biomechanics.
- 5.BioMEMS.
- 6.Biosignal Processing.
- 7.Biotechnology.
- 8.Cellular, Tissue, and Genetic Engineering.
- 9.Clinical engineering.
- 10.Medical Imaging.
- 11.Microtechnology and Nanotechnology.
- 12.Neural systems and Engineering.
- 13.Orthopedic Bioengineering.
- 14.Rehabilitation Engineering.
- 15.Robotics in surgery.
- 16.Systems Physiology.
Fundamental and Applied science
- 1.Animal and plant science
- 2.Ceramic engineering
- 3.Conservation management
- 4.Ecology
- 5.Health sciences
- 6.Hydrology
- 7.Leather technology
- 8.Life sciences
- 9.Material science
- 10.Metrology
- 11.Microbiology
- 12.Morphology
- 13.Nanotechnology
- 14.Plant physiology
- 15.Sustainable engineering
- 16.Wild life management