Important Dates
Early Bird Deadline
18th September 2019
Abstract Submission Deadline
1st October 2019
Abstract Acceptance Notification
3rd October 2019
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
10th October 2019
About ICSESCM – 2019
ICSESCM-2019 is being organized by Institute For Engineering Research and Publication(IFERP) . To provide an opportunity to research scholars, delegates and students to interact and share their experience and knowledge in technology application. ICSESCM-2019 will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in Recent Challenges in Multidisciplinary Research. The aim of the Conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.
Food science and technology,
Genetic engineering,
Knowledge management,
Mobile technology,
Supply chain management
Call for Papers
- General Management
- International Business
- Strategy Marketing
- Supply Chain Management
- Operations Management
- Organization Studies
- advanced Databases
- Advanced Operating Systems
- Animation and artificial intelligence
- Applications in Medical field
- Engines and Heat exchangers
- Fault diagnosis
- Fluid mechanics
- Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion
- Heat and mass transfer
- Hydraulics and Pneumatics
- Industrial Applications
- Bioinformatics.
- Bioinstrumentation.
- Biomaterials.
- Biomechanics.
- BioMEMS.
- Biosignal Processing.
- Biotechnology.
- Cellular, Tissue, and Genetic Engineering.
- Clinical engineering.
- Medical Imaging.
- Microtechnology and Nanotechnology.
- Neural systems and Engineering.
- Orthopedic Bioengineering.
- Organic Chemistry
- Chemical engineering end thermodynamics
- Environmental science and engineering
- Material Science and technology
- Chemical process and plant safety
- Food technology
- Animal and plant science
- Ceramic engineering
- Conservation management
- Ecology
- Health sciences