Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline
10th May 2019
About ICTES 2019
ICTES 2019 is an opportunity for academics, students, scholars, scientists and engineers from around the world who are involved in the study, management, development and implementation of systems and concepts to combat information warfare or to improve Technology and Environmental Science to come together and exchange ideas. This conference is trying to establish itself as a key event for the understanding of threats and risks to information systems, the development of a strong security culture, and incident investigation.
Assistive technology,
Environmental science,
Food science and technology,
Membrane technology,
Mobile technology,
Multi agent technology,
Post harvest technology,
Technology education,
Molecular biology & biotechnology,
Future of biotechnology in the context of the bioeconomy,
Utilization of technology in learning process,
Technology and industrial applications,
Environmental sciences,
Engineering & technology,
Computation technology,
Environmental sciences environmental sciences,
Groundwater hydrology and environmental science,
Ecology and environmental sciences,
Agriculture and environmental sciences,
Food and environmental sciences,
Healthcare and environmental sciences,
Biological and environmental sciences,
Environmental sciences and engineering,
Call for Papers
- CPS and Internet of things
- Access Network Technologies
- Network, Communication Systems and System Architectures
- Real-time Communication and Collaboration for Smart things
- Sensor Networking Technologies
- CPS (Cyber, Physical and Social) Technologies
- Case Studies in Areas of Smart Grid, Healthcare, Agriculture,
- Logistics, Environmental monitoring and Transport, etc
- Information Technology
- Databases, Indexing
- Cryptography, Watermarking, Networks and Security
- Semantic Web, Knowledge Management
- Metamodeling, Domain-Specific Modeling, Aspect-Oriented Modeling
- Numerical Algorithms and Analysis
- Computational Simulation and Analysis
- Data Visualization and Virtual Reality
- Health Informatics
- Reliability, Security, Privacy and Trust
- Information and System Security
- Network Security and Privacy
- Authorization and Access Control
- Mobile, Internet, and Cloud Security
- Networks & Internet Technologies
- Smart Grids and Energy Efficiency
- Routing, Switching, Traffic Engineering and Control
- Performance Analysis, Measurements, and Testbeds
- Reconfigurable and Cognitive Networks
- Wireless Communications
- Wireless Technologies (HSPA, LTE, WiFi, UWB, etc.)
- Wireless Localization Techniques
- Multi-Antenna and MIMO Techniques
- Self Organizing Networks
- Heterogeneous Networks
- Machine-to-Machine Communications
- Cross Layer Optimization in Wireless Networks
- Intelligent Systems
- Soft computing
- Sensors and sensor networks
- Acoustic and under water communication
- Security and authentication
- Air Interface, Microwave Technology, Wavepropagation and antennas
- Mathematical Modeling and simulation
- Data Mining
- Parallel and distributed systems
- Mobile communication and Adhoc Networks
- IT and Management
- RFIDs and applicatons
- Embedded systems
- Advanced Energy Technologies
- Agriculture
- Air pollution control and equipment
- Bio fuels
- Clean Coal Technology
- Clean energy investments
- Climate and climatic changes
- Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development
- Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
- Economic and Social aspect of Sustainable Development
- Ecosystem Restoration
- Ecosystems Management
- Energy and Environment Energy Policy, Planning & Management
- Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development
- Environmental dynamics
- Environmental Ergonomics
- Environmental hydraulics
- Environmental Management
- Environmental policy in developing countries
- Environmental Pollution & Management
- Environmental restoration and ecological engineering
- Environmental Science and Technology
- Environmental sustainability
- Global environmental change and ecosystems management
- Global warming Green Energy Options
- Green energy systems
- Hazardous waste and waste treatment
- Health and the Environment
- Hydro power Industrial waste treatment
- Innovative clean technologies
- Legal, economic and managerial aspects of solid waste management
- Management of ecosystems, environment and water resources
- Nuclear Energy Fission & Fusion
- Policy makers and the Public
- Pollution prevention in industry
- Recycling technologies
- Renewable Energy Standards
- Renewable energy technologies
- Renewable sources of energy
- Resource management
- Rural development
- Solar Energy
- Solid waste Management
- Sustainable Development and Education
- Water pollution and treatment
- Wind Energy