
nternational Conference “Tourism in the sustainable development of Metropolitan cities”

International Conference “Tourism in the sustainable development of Metropolitan cities” 2020

Warsaw, Poland
4 - 5 June 2020
The conference ended on 05 June 2020

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
15th March 2020
Abstract Acceptance Notification
31st March 2020
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
30th May 2020

About nternational Conference “Tourism in the sustainable development of Metropolitan cities”

The end of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st century, have been characterised by the intensive growth of cities and the tourist industry, and by the ever-growing awareness of development-related challenges, facing the whole human race. Large cities are at the heart of these major phenomena. Their populations are constantly growing; they are places where business, cultural, and scientific activities, are located. They also attract an ever-growing number of tourists. The fact that so many functions co-exist within the limited space of these cities, is both a chance for development.


Cross culture, Ecotourism, Globalization, Tourism studies, Networking, Sustainable development goals (sdgs), Technologies, Tourism as a tool of development, Innovations, Poland, Interculturalism, Tourism industry, Metropolitan cities, Warsaw, Urbanisation

Call for Papers

The organisers provide conference participants with the opportunity to publish positively reviewed articles in publications guaranteeing at least 20 MNiSW points.

List of publications

  1. The journal “Miscellanea Geographica Regional Studies on Development”, 70 points, publisher: Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies of the University of Warsaw; editor-in-chief: Maciej Jędrusik, articles in English only; Check the page Here
  2. The journal “International Journal of Management and Economics”, 40 points, publisher: Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics; editor-in-chief: Adam Szyszka, articles in English only. Check the page Here
  3. “The Journal of Intercultural Management (JOIM)”, 20 points, publisher: Wydawnictwo Społecznej Akademii Nauk w Łodzi; editor-in-chief: Łukasz Sułkowski, articles only in English. Check the page Here
  4. The journal “Turystyka Kulturowa”, 20 points, publisher: KulTour Poznań; editor-in-chief: Armin Mikos von Rohrscheidt, articles in Polish and English. Check the page Here
  5. The journal “Prace i Studia Geograficzne”, 20 points, publisher: Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies, University of Warsaw; editor-in-chief: Małgorzata Durydiwka, articles in Polish. Check this page Here
  6. The journal “Studia Periegetica”, 20 points, publisher: WSB University in Poznań; editor-in-chief: Marek Nowacki, articles only in English, available in open access. Check the page Here
  7. A chapter in a scientific monograph (3), publisher: a. in the Polish language: I. Academy of Finance and Business Vistula (Vistula University Group) (20 points), II. Social Academy of Sciences (20 points), b. In English: I. SGH Warsaw School of Economics (20 points).

Pursuant to the rules of the Regulation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of 22 February 2019 on evaluation of the quality of the scientific activity, §12, item 2. 4, section 2;

We are happy to invite you to take part in the International Conference “Tourism in the sustainable development of Metropolitan cities” " with the participation of, among others Nobel laureate, Prof. Lučka Kajfež Bogataj.


A huge advantage of the conference is the wide possibility of scientific publications in publications guaranteeing 20 to 70 points.

  The conference will be held on 4th-5th of June, 2020 in the Vistula School of Hospitality in Warsaw, ul. Stokłosy 3, 02-787 Warsaw

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