International Eurasian Migration Conference (IEMC) is an international peer-reviewed academic event dedicated to a thorough analyses of The Eurasian geography that has witnessed numerous migration flows throughout the history. IEMC is unique in its dynamic, complex and multidisciplinary approach and focus on migration and surrounding issues, challenges and solutions to them. It aims to create a forum where scholars, experts, young researchers and students and policy makers are encouraged to exchange knowledge, share their research and debate the issues that challenge existing modes and models of migration, discourses to understand human mobility, ponder about better policies and practices.
Eurasia Migration Conference (EMC)
9-13 October 2018, Turkistan / Kazakhstan
Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to Eurasia Migration Conference (EMC). The conference will be co-hosted by Istanbul Medeniyet University (Istanbul/Turkey) and Ahmet Yesevi University (Turkistan/Kazakhstan) and it will convene on 09-13 October 2018 in Turkistan/Kazakhstan.
This truly international world congress of Migration Studies creates a forum where scholars, experts, young researchers and students, practitioners and policy makers are encouraged to exchange knowledge, share research and debate the issues that challenge existing modes and models of migration, discourses to understand human mobility, ponder about better policies and practices.
International Eurasian Migration Conference (IEMC) is an international peer-reviewed academic event dedicated to a thorough analyses of The Eurasian geography that has witnessed numerous migration flows throughout the history.
Eurasia Migration Conference (IEMC) conference is unique in its dynamic, complex and multidisciplinary approach and focus on migration and surrounding issues, challenges and solutions to them.
The scientific programme organizes papers around thematic lines and streams weaved around regions, corridors, country cases as well as global and regional perspectives and theoretical takes on human mobility and population movements with all facets covered from motivations and mechanisms of migration to policies and integration, to irregular movements and demographic and geographic analysis without ignoring the non-movers, host and sending societies.
The conference accommodates training workshops, public round-table discussions, invited talks, oral presentations, poster presentations, special sessions and thematic workshops. The conference will also entertain keynote speeches by distinguished scholars in migration studies.
Participants in the conference also have the opportunity to submit their work to special issues of the journals of Journal of Civilization Studies and Journal of Medeniyet Politics, as well as opportunities to contribute to the edited books published by Istanbul Medeniyet University Press.
The official languages of the conference are English, Russian, Turkish and Kazakh.
Submissions of papers and posters are welcome from scholars, experts, practitioners, policy makers and PhD students carrying out research in the field of migration.
Papers submitted to the EMC will be reviewed by the Conference Committee/Track chairs/Chairs. Submission will be subjected to the double blind peer-review by at least two referees in terms of assessing their scientific quality, style and presentation. Reviewers are assigned by the track chairs.
You need to submit your abstract and/or full paper before the deadline to the email address:, using the application form below.
Please check submission guidelines before submitting your abstract via the link:
Abstract Submission Deadline: 01.06.2018
Notification of Acceptance: 01.07.2018
Registration: 01.09.2018
Announcement of the Conference Program: 30.09.2018
Registration Fees: Registration is free.
Registration closes at 01.09.2018
The Eurasian Migration Conference would expect to bring together practitioners, academics, and students from a broad range of disciplines including
Inter-disciplinary research and comparative perspectives are particularly encouraged. The Eurasian Migration Conference features invited talks, parallel and special sessions, workshops, and policy sessions where practitioners, politicians and media representatives will discuss migration and related issues. There will be opportunities for side-events and social activities.
Please check conference topics below to identify the appropriate track or submit to general papers track, so the organizers can assign your paper to a suitable session.
The Eurasian Migration Conference will cover a wide range of multidisciplinary areas, including
If you have any questions please do contact us at:
We look forward to seeing you in Istanbul and Turkistan!
On behalf of the Conference Committee Hamza Ates, Ahmet Cihan, Mehmet Toplu
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