

International Flow Battery Forum 2018

Lausanne, Switzerland
10 - 12 July 2018
The conference ended on 12 July 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
31st January 2018
Abstract Acceptance Notification
2nd March 2018
Early Bird Deadline
2nd April 2018
Authors to register and confirm attendance
27th April 2018
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
29th May 2018

About IFBF18

The IFBF raises the profile of flow batteries as a crucial technology within the electrical energy storage sector. Our agenda is guided by proposals from delegates for presentations and posters, and we offer a mix of topics ranging from the latest commercial developments in flow battery projects, supply of raw materials and components as well as the latest research from laboratories, universities and public and private companies for discussion in the conference. Presentations on a range of chemistries and configurations, current and future applications as well as discussions on commercialisation and research and development priorities will also feature.


Supply chain, Energy storage, Battery management, Energy storage materials, Flow battery, Electro-chemistry, Redox flow battery, Commercialisation, Smart grid technology, Vanadium

Call for Papers

Sessions at the IFBF 2018 will include the following topics:

  • Current Status in Flow Battery Deployment, including news and up dates on current flow battery projects                 
  • Field & Commercial Flow Battery Operating Experiences Operational Technical Issues & Solutions
  • Flow Battery Applications - for large scale, small scale, stationary, transportable and mobile applications
  • New Developments in Flow Batteries
  • Novel Chemistry
  • New Developments in Materials & Components
  • Manufacturing, Design & Scale-up Improving
  • Performance Regulatory, Environmental, Health & Safety Issues 
  • Business Development & Opportunities
  • Supply & Cost of Raw Materials & Components Funding & Finance
  • Market Size, Market Forecasts & Commercialisation

We welcome news and updates on existing projects. Our priority for acceptance is for papers which report on recent and novel work.  Authors who have previously presented work on a similar topic should make sure that sufficient information is given in their abstract to enable the committee to assess that there is new material being presented. 

The format for this year's conference will include keynote presentations in specific subject sessions as well as panel and open discussions on industrial and commercial topics.

Papers accepted for oral and poster presentation are subject to our conditions which include:

- at least one author must register as a paying delegate for the conference.  The costs of registration, including discount for early registration are shown on our website.

- authors whose paper is accepted for oral presentation must supply a two page paper for publication in the proceedings at the conference.  See mini paper preparation guidelines for further details.

-authors whose paper is presented for poster presentation must supply an abstract and supply an electronic copy of their poster.

- the IFBF is given rights to publish and distribute the paper at the conference and for distribution of the paper in printed and electronic format without payment of royalties and fees to authors.  


Proposals for papers should be submitted through our abstract submission service, link here.

Proposals should be less than 500 words, and give the name and affiliation of the author and co-authors.  The title should be brief and descriptive.

Please note:

Please submit your proposal for a paper as soon as possible, as this allows time for review and if necessary, clarification of your proposed topic.

Please ensure that if you have previously presented at an IFBF, that you clearly indicate the advances that have been made since your previous presentation.

Presentations of an advertising or promotional nature are not appropriate, but we welcome papers, presentations and discussions on the technical, business and commercial aspects of the flow battery industry.  There will be a panel discussion sessions covering market size, applications, competition, finance and commercial development.  Please indicate if you wish to be considered to speak in these sessions.

We intend to notify authors of the outcome of their submission by 2 March 2018.  We will allocate authors to oral sessions, or poster sessions.  We will allocate some potential oral presentations to a reserve list.  Our experience is that two or three reserve speakers are called each year to give an oral presentation.

Selection as a poster presenter provides authors with

  • A short oral introduction in a plenary session to cover highlights of their paper
  • Presentation of their poster paper in the plenary poster session
  • Publication of a written tow-page mini paper in the book of proceedings,  alongside the orally presented papers.

The poster session at the IFBF encourages a very high engagement and exchange of ideas between authors and delegates.  The IFBF awards prizes to poster presenters, including

  • Best oral introduction by a poster presenter
  • Best poster display
  • Best discussion with the assessors

There will be an exhibition area in the conference venue, which is suitable for the exhibition of commercial products and services.  Please contact the IFBF office (by email to aud@swanbarton.com or call +44 (0) 1666 840948) for details of costs for exhibiting and sponsoring at the conference.

Provisional  Timetable for 2018, subject to confirmation


Final date for submission of abstracts 31 January 2018. Authors notified.  2 March 2018.

Authors to register and confirm attendance  27 April 2018. Two-page mini-paper to be submitted for publication in conference materials 29 May 2018.


Registration opens 1 February 2018. Discounted Registrations close April 2018

Normal Registration period closes 30 June 2018 Late Registration period starts 1 July 2018, bookable by web only

Registration rates to be confirmed.

Papers and presentations

A two page paper will be required six weeks before the date of the conference and these will be published at the conference and made available to all delegates.  The mini paper will be reviewed by the organising committee, and if necessary edited and revised. The papers are indexed and submitted to the major libraries and referencing services.  Examples of papers presented at the IFBF are available as guides to authors.

We also encourage authors to consider submitting a full paper to the Journal of Power Sources, which will be subjected to peer review. Papers may be submitted at any stage in the process, but authors should note the conditions for acceptance of a paper in the journal. We would therefore expect that authors will submit their paper to the journal after the conference; it should be annotated by the author that a summary of the paper has been presented at the conference, and if accepted for publication a reference to the IFBF will be made in the published version.

Papers submitted should conform to the guidelines on the section Mini Papers.

Please submit your mini-paper using the following link to allow us sufficient time to prepare conference materials.

If you wish to purchase copies of the documentation from previous forum meetings, please use the order form through the IFBF archive menu,

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