International Symposium on Computational Mathematical Modelling ISCMM 2019 is co-located with ICCSPN. Proceedings of full papers of the in IEEE Xplore and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’Publons etc..
Call for Papers for May 2019: 2019 ISCMM International Symposium on Computational and Mathematical Modelling
International Symposium on Computational Mathematical Modelling ISCMM 2019 is co-located with ICCSPN. Proceedings of full papers of the in IEEE Xplore and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’Publons etc.. The Areas of the symposium are
- Optimization methods
- Decision theory
- Stochastic models
- Simulation
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Cutting and Packing
- Data mining
- Optimal control
- Transportation
- Multi-objective optimization
- Scheduling
- Game Theory
- Basic principles of mathematical modeling
- Direct and inverse problems of mathematical modeling
- Methodology of mathematical modeling
- System analysis
- Complex systems and decomposition
- Static and dynamic models
- Discrete and continuous
- Deterministic and stochastic
- Ordinary and partial differential equations
- Numerical methods and optimization methods
- Probability theory and applied statistics
- Stochastic processes
- Statistical modeling and applications
- Approaches to construction of mathematical models
- Mathematical methods of management
- Socio-economic systems, methods for their study and modelling
- Specific features of modeling living systems
- Methods and tools for mathematical modeling and computer science in theoretical biophysics, biology, medicine
- Mathematical approaches to the analysis of dynamic processes
- Complex Networks Models
- Community Structure Detection
- Link Prediction
- Large-scale Graph Analysis
- Recommendation Systems and Networks
- Information Spreading in Social Media
- Biological and Technological Complex Networks
- Ordinary differential equations
- Partial differential equations
- Difference equations
- Dynamical systems
- Fractional calculus
- Fuzzy systems
- Stochastic Processes
- Integral and Differential Operators
- Special functions
- Numerical Methods in Complex Analysis
- Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra
- Numerical Simulation
- Discrete Mathematics
- Applications
- Applied mathematics
- Fractional calculus and its applications
- Optimization and control in engineering
- Mathematical modelling with engineering applications
- Non-linear dynamical systems and chaos
- Operational research
- Fractional calculus
- Advanced Analysis
- Special Functions
- Differential Equations
- Fluid dynamics
- Applied Statistics
- Approximation Theory
- Automation
- Chaos Theory
- Relativity and Cosmology
- Circuits and Networks
- Complexity Theory
- Computational Mechanics
- Computational Engineering
- Continuous Modelling
- Control Theory
- Cyber Security
- Discrete Mathematics
- Dynamical Systems
- Evolutionary Computation
- Fuzzy Sets and Logic
- Numerical ODEs
- Numerical PDEs (inc. BVPs)
- Scientific Computing and Algorithms
- Stochastic Differential Equations
- Approximation
- Numerical Linear Algebra
- Numerical Integral Equations
- Error Analysis and Interval Analysis
- Difference Equations and Recurrence Relations
- Numerical problems in Dynamical Systems
- Applications to the Sciences (Computational Physics, Computational Statistics, Computational Chemistry, Computational Engineering etc.)
- Differential Algebraic Equations
- Numerical methods in Fourier analysis
- Information Theory and Coding
- Inverse Problems
- Mathematical Biology
- Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Sociology
- Neural Networks
- Numerical Analysis
- Optimal Control
- Scientific Computing
- System Dynamics
- Applied Mathematics and Modeling
- Artificial Intelligence
- Big Data Analytics
- Control and Robotics
- Number theory & Cryptography
- Discrete Geometry
- Elastodynamics
- Financial Mathematics
- Image/Signal Processing
- Mathematical Chemistry
- Mathematical Engineering
- Mathematical Psychology
- Operations Research
- Representation Theory
- Soft computing
- Mathematical Physics
- Mathematical Chemistry
- Mathematical Biology and Mathematical Medicine
- Optimization and Operational Research
- Theoretical Mechanics
- Discrete Applied Mathematics
- Statistics
- Probability
- Dynamical Systems
- Algorithms
- Experimental Mathematics
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Applied Analysis
- algebraic and co-algebraic methods in computer science
- algorithms and data structures
- automata and formal languages
- bioinformatics
- combinatorics on words, trees, and other structures
- computational complexity (structural and model-related)
- computational geometry
- computer-aided verification
- computational Intelligence
- computer-assisted reasoning
- concurrency theory
- cryptography and security
- databases and knowledge-based systems
- formal specifications and program development
- foundations of computing
- logics in computer science
- models of computation
- networks (incl. wireless, sensor, ad-hoc networks)
- parallel and distributed computing
- semantics and verification of programs
- theoretical issues in artificial intelligence
- Algebraic Theory: Morphology on complete lattices and semilattices,
- Representation of morphological operators, Fuzzy morphology, Connected operators, Morphology on graphs
- Morphology on Surface Meshes and Riemannian
- manifolds.
- Nonlinear Scale Space Theory
- PDEs
- Discrete Geometry and Combinatorial Topology
- Grids, discrete objects, discrete model properties
- Random sets Theory and Geometrical Probability
- Boolean model for sets and functions, Stochastic simulation of random media, etc.
- Image Segmentation
- Computational Mathematical Morphology
- etc
Proceedings of full papers of the International Symposium on Computational and Mathematical Modelling ISCMM 2019 will be added to 2019 ICCSPN conference full papers and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’ Publons etc.
Registration for Full Paper $300 (Short paper 3-4 pages and Full paper 5-6 pages IEEE Paper template This covers presentation and conference participation.
Registration for Abstract Only $100. (Title, Name of Authors, Affiliation, Abstract and Key words) This covers presentation and conference participation.
All selected papers further qualified for future advancement/improvement of work-done for Special Issues in reputable Journals and Book Chapters to be indexed in reputable places such as SCOPUS. Authors will be contacted in the future for submissions to these call for papers. All selected abstracts qualify for such invitations.
Submission link:
Website :
Deadline for full papers submission : 20th May 2019 Final notification of acceptance : 25th May 2019 Deadline for registration : 27th May 2019 Deadline for Camera-ready : 28th May 2019 Conference date : 29th to 31th May 2019 Venue : Ghana Technology University College, Accra Ghana.
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