

Nanophotonics and Micro/Nano Optics International Conference 2017

Barcelona, Spain
13 - 15 September 2017
The conference ended on 15 September 2017

Important Dates

Early Bird Deadline
5th May 2017
Abstract Acceptance Notification
14th July 2017
Abstract Submission Deadline
28th July 2017
Regular Registration Deadline
28th July 2017

About NANOP2017

NANOP: Putting Nanophotonics to work. Owing to the unique optical properties of nanometre-scale systems, Nanophotonics has become a very efficient tool to control light-matter interaction beyond the limit of diffraction. Recent developments in this field have shown the immense potential of nanophotonics to contribute to a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines, ranging from fundamental physics to optical engineering, and from biology to clean energies. This second edition of the NANOP conference focuses on the transversal nature of Nanophotonics, by offering an international forum on the latest advances in the field from basic to applied research.


Fiber optics, Laser, Optics, Plasmonics

Call for Papers


  • Prof. Niek F. Van Hulst (ICFO – the Institute of Photonic Sciences, Spain)
  • Prof. Christoph Langhammer (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
  • Dr. Patrice Genevet (University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France)
  • Prof. Arno Rauschenbeutel (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)
  • Dr Arseniy Kuznetsov (Data Storage Institute, Singapore)
  • Prof. Francisco J. Garcia Vidal (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain)
  • Prof. Frank Vollmer (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Germany)
  • Prof. Juerg Leuthold (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Prof. Vahid Sandoghdar (Max Plank Institute, Germany)
  • Prof. Harry Atwater (California Institute of Technology, USA)
  • Prof. Lukas Novotny (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
  • Prof. Thomas Zentgraf (University of Paderborn, Germany)


  • Photonic & plasmonic nanomaterials
  • Optical properties of nanostructures
  • Nonlinear nano-optics
  • Quantum dots and colour centres
  • Strong light-matter interactions at the nanoscale
  • Metamaterials
  • Enhanced spectroscopy and sensing
  • Nano-Optomechanics
  • Quantum nano-optics
  • Nanoscale photothermal effects
  • Nanomedicine

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Proceedings & Publishing:

  • The proceedings will be published by IOP: Journal of Physics Conference Series (Scopus Indexed)
  • Nanophotonics Journal (Impact Factor: 5,372) will publish a special issue with the best papers

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