

Open Data for Open Cities 2018

Lund, Sweden
12 June 2018
The conference ended on 12 June 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
30th March 2018
Abstract Acceptance Notification
10th April 2018
Final Abstract / Full Paper Deadline
20th April 2018

About OD4OC

During this second edition of the open data for open cities workshop, we will discuss what open data means while focusing on how cities can improve the reuse of published data through analysis use cases. Using a case of study, we will make use of open data to develop a research question based on a current city challenge, describe the variables and their spatial relationship, calculate basic statistics, and present results using open tools (R and QGIS). By the end of the interactive hands-on session, participants will be able to make use of R to manage and visualize their data


Cities, Open access, Smart city, Geospatial technologies, Sustainable cities, Gis, Open data, Open source

Call for Papers

Official website and Pre-registration: http://opendata4opencities.uji.es


21st AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science

Societal Geo-Innovation - Geospatial Technologies for All

Lund University-  Lund, Sweden 12 June 2018


Deadline: March 15, 2018

What is AGILE Conference? AGILE 2018 is the annual international conference on Geographic Information Science. Topics cover Big Spatial Data: Analysis and Visualization, Volunteered Geographic Information and Community Observatories, Socio-Economic Impact Assessment of GI and GIScience and Technology Education and Training to name just a view.

The 2018 conference theme is "Geospatial Technologies for All". Contributors are invited to submit papers and abstracts related to this theme. Furthermore, proposals on other topics within the fields of Geographic Information Science will be accepted for review.

On behalf of the AGILE Council, we invite you to participate at the 21st AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, scheduled to take place in Lund, Sweden between the 12###sup/sup### and 15###sup/sup### of June, 2018. The program will offer parallel paper presentation sessions, keynote sessions, poster sessions and pre-conference workshops to share your ideas, explore on-going research, future developments, including state-of-the-art applications, and to network with the professionals from academia, industry, and government who are interested in promoting GI teaching and research activities among GI laboratories at the European level.

For the second consecutive year, the Open Data for Open Cities (ODOC) workshop will take place at AGILE Conference with the topic: The reuse of open data through spatial analysis. It will take place on 12 June 2018 as an AGILE 2018 Pre-conference workshop.

In this second edition of the ODOC workshop, we will discuss about what open data means while focusing on how cities can improve the reuse of published data through analysis use cases. Using a case of study, we will make use of open data to develop a research question based on a current city challenge, describe the variables and their spatial relationships, calculate basic statistics, and present results clearly all using open tools.

By the end of the interactive hands-on session, participants will be able to make use of R to manage and visualize their data, including how to deal with missing data, variable groups, and graphs. The workshop topics may address aspects of Open Data use level, applications and strategies to empower and engage the citizens through Open Data in cities and it includes (but not limited to) the following:


  • Open Data (use cases and related studies)
  • Open data use for open and sustainable cities.
  • Impact of Open Data in cites.
  • City ranking using indicators
  • Spatial analysis of open data using R language
  • Data processing
  • Machine learning with open data using open tools
  • Effective visualization of open data in cites


This workshop is held as a part of the GeoC (Geoinformatics: Enabling Open Cities) project http://geo-c.eu/ whose aim is to contribute methods and tools to realize smart and open cities, in which all groups of society can participate in all levels and benefits in many ways. The complementary strands of research in GEO-C will lead us to an improved understanding of how to build open cities and produce a prototypical open city toolkit (OCT).

Guideline for Short Paper and Position Paper.

The goal of short and position papers is to collect and provide the opportunity for discussion of specialized research questions or challenges related to Open Data, its impact on cities, and study how cities can involve and empower cities stakeholders to make available information more effective, and to the spatial point processes on networks as a use case to use the open data and make spatial analysis with some new methodologies. This workshop provides an excellent opportunity for researchers to present their works in progress and obtain detailed feedback and should have ample time allocated for discussion and participation by all attendees. Detailed instructions on the publication are as follow:

  • Short papers (< 3000 words) on your related ongoing research in Open Data, its reuse and applicability in spatial analysis using tools like R.
  • Position papers (< 1000 words) describing your application, strategy or demo related to aforementioned topics.
  • Paper template:

Selected papers will be published on the workshop website and have the opportunity to present during the morning session of this workshop.


Also, the selected papers will be included in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org). CEUR is a free open-access publication service of Sun SITE Central Europe operated under the umbrella of RWTH Aachen University. CEUR-WS.org is a recognized ISSN publication series, ISSN 1613-0073.


CEUR-WS.org is hosted at http://SunSITE.Informatik.RWTH-Aachen.DE/Publications/CEUR-WS/.

Take a look of our last publication in the first edition of the Open Data for Open Cities AGILE 2017 Workshop in the CEUR website: http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1952/



All short and position papers should be submitted via email or pull summited in GitHub workshop repository.




  • March 15, 2018:  Submission deadline for short and position papers.
  • April 11, 2018: Author Notification.
  • June 12, 2018: Open Data for Open Cities AGILE Workshop.


The workshop will be managed by people from three European universities which are parts of GeoC: “Enabling Open Cities” ( www.geo-c.eu ) project. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  • Institute of new imaging technology, Universitat Jaume I, Spain.
  • NOVA IMS – Nova Information Management School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa., Portugal
  • Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster., Germany
  • Pr. Dr. Pedro Cabral
  • Ph.D. Candidate Adeoluwa Akande
  • Ph.D. Candidate Fernando Benitez

Programme Committee

  • Joaquin Huerta (UJI University)
  • Marco Painho (NOVA University)
  • Fernando Santa (NOVA University)
  • Fernando Benitez (UJI University)
  • Guiying Du (Munster University)



For more information about GeoC: Enabling Open Cities (http://geo-c.eu ).


For any kind of information about either the agenda, submitting your paper or local organizers, please feel free to ask through email adeoluwa.akande@novaims.unl.pt


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