Organ-on-a-Chip is of keen interest to many scientists working in translational sciences. Whilst the technology is still in its infancy, Organ-on-a-Chip is expected to deliver game changing solutions and progressively increase our capacity to gain greater insight into mechanisms of human disease, toxicity and early efficacy assessment of new therapies. There are many Organ-on-a-Chip start-ups that have developed within academic institutions and are now attracting interest and financial investment. This conference will review where the current state of the art is and where the bottle necks and future directions lay.
Abstract Submission Guidelines
The maximum number of words allowed in your abstract body is 230.
Please type your abstract straight into the online submission form, or alternatively paste the text from a word-processed document.
The ‘Full title’ should be presented sentence case (not in Title Case or BLOCK CAPITALS), that is only the first letter of the title or appropriate terms such as abbreviations or proper nouns should be upper case.
Has my abstract been accepted? Approximately 2 weeks after the abstract submission deadline has passed, you will receive an email informing you whether your abstract has been accepted/rejected as an oral communication or poster. All abstracts will be available to view online at the meeting.
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