The workshop aims to lay the groundwork for an interdisciplinary research project, which will focus on comparing the different translations of the Quran made within Christian cultural backgrounds. This project will study the Quran and its reception from the Christian perspective by analyzing all Greek, Syriac, and Latin translations of the Quran from the 7th century CE until the Early Modern period. The workshop will furthermore examine the possibilities of using methods in the Digital Humanities for building an open-access database for systematically collecting and presenting the material for further research.
International Workshop Preliminary Considerations on the Corpus Coranicum Christianum.
The Quran in Translation – A Survey of the State-of-the-Art
Freie Universität Berlin/Germany, December 5th-7th, 2018 (two/three days, tbc) Convener: Manolis Ulbricht & Berlin Byzantine Studies (Freie Universität Berlin) We are delighted to announce the Call for Papers for our workshop ‘Preliminary Considerations on the Corpus Coranicum Christianum.
The Quran in Translation – A Survey of the State-of-the-Art’. In this
workshop, we aim to lay the groundwork for an interdisciplinary research
project, which will focus on comparing the different translations of
the Quran made within Christian cultural backgrounds. The project will
study the Quran and its reception from the Christian perspective by
analyzing all Greek, Syriac, and Latin translations of the Quran from
the 7th century CE until the Early Modern period. The keynote speech will be delivered by Professor Angelika Neuwirth, head of the project Corpus Coranicum (CC)
at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The
workshop aims to map out the different scholars and research traditions
dealing with varied translations of the Quran. In addition, it seeks to
connect these experts and to facilitate the scientific exchange between
the multitude of studies previously conducted in this field. Finally,
the workshop will examine the possibilities of using methods in the
Digital Humanities for building an open-access database for
systematically collecting and presenting the material for further
research. The structure of the planned project will correspond with the languages that will be analyzed. The Corpus Coranicum Christianum (CCC) shall, in a first step, consist of the three subprojects: Corpus Coranicum Byzantinum (CCB), Corpus Coranicum Syriacum (CCS), and Corpus Coranicum Latinum
(CCL). More languages may later be added. The different texts that
preserve translations of the Quran will be collected and analyzed
individually. Then, they will be compared and commented on under the
determined aspects. Therefore, all translations shall be digitalized and
linked to each other and to the Arabic Quran texts in order to enable
researchers to systematically examine the non-Muslim reception and
transmission of the Quran. In this way, the Corpus Coranicum Christianum
synopsis will be made accessible in an open-access database, thus
ensuring the availability of the results to the scientific and broader
public. Papers for the workshop are welcome in one or more of the following four sections:
The workshop is focused on interdisciplinary research, which will, the organizers hope, encourage fruitful discussions about the state-of-the-art of the field and highlight potential areas for future research cooperation. As we wish to encourage different approaches in research methodology, your presentation should comprise an introductory presentation no longer than 15 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of work on pre-prepared source material including discussion time.
For this purpose, we welcome abstracts of up to 300 words, to be submitted in English by May 31st, 2018 to: Abstracts should include your name, affiliation, position, the title of the proposed paper, your specific source(s) you want to work on, and a brief curriculum vitae. Please also indicate the preferred section (see above: CCB, CCS, CCL, DH). Notifications will be sent out in June 2018. Full papers should be submitted by 15th November, 2018. Limited funding will be available for accommodation and/or travel. Proposed workshop languages: English, German, Spanish, and French. Papers will be published as edited volume.
The project initiative Corpus Coranicum Christianum is financed by the Presidency of the Freie Universität Berlin. For more information about this project initiative, please visit our website.
Date: 5th-7th December 2018 (two/three days, tbc)
Deadline: 31st May 2018
Venue: Freie Universität Berlin
Admission: Free and open to all interested specialists and Ph.D. students
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