
ICMRT 2018

SCOPUS/SCI INDEXED Publication-2018 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Technology

Bangkok, Thailand
29 - 30 December 2018
The conference ended on 30 December 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
15th November 2018

About ICMRT 2018

The 2018 the International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research and Technology, ICMRT is a prestigious international academic conference organized by Global Researchers Association (GRA). This conference is also supported by many universities from Asia and other parts of the world. The ICMRT 2018 will provide a platform where researchers, professionals, academicians and industries to share and generate a forum of recent development, new ideas and new discoveries in Contemporary Issues in Research.


Multidisciplinary research

Call for Papers

Track One: Engineering and Technology

Track Two: Medical, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Track Three: Management, Business, Finance and Economics

Track Four: Applied Sciences, Physical Sciences

Track Five: Women Empowerment and Gender Eqaulity

Track Six: Learning and Education

Track Seven: Law Studies

Track Eight: Agricultural and Forestry

Track Nine: Social Sciences and Humanity

Any other related areas

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