
DAAG Conference

SDP DAAG 2020 Conference

Houston, United States
30 March - 2 April 2020
The conference ended on 02 April 2020

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
30th January 2020
Early Bird Deadline
30th March 2020

About DAAG Conference

Founded in 1995, the SDP 2020 Decision Analysis Affinity Group (DAAG) Conference is considered a premier annual event for decision professionals. DAAG Conference is held annually to bring together decision professionals and decision makers from multiple industries to share ideas, successes, failures and to further develop attendees in the wide variety of arenas in which Decision Science is increasingly being adopted. Attendees will leave the conference with a rich understanding of how to achieve better outcomes from both personal and professional decisions.


Policy analysis and decision making, Risk assessment, Strategic management, Strategic planning, Risk analysis, Decision making and information retrieval, Strategy and business, Decision-making, Probability and decision theory, Decision quality

Call for Papers

The Society of Decision Professionals cordially invites you to attend the 26

2020 annual Decision Analysis Affinity Group (DAAG) conference 31 March - April 3, 2020 in Houston, Texas. SDP will sponsor a full slate of workshops on March 31 & April 1, ahead of the main DAAG conference on April 2 & 3.


US Government making quality technology opportunity framing and investment decisions Chairs: Michael Glinsky (meglins@sandia.gov), Chris Haase (haase@ameslab.gov) Abstract:

  The US Government, lead by the Department of Energy (DoE), regularly frames technology projects and makes investment decisions in technology that range from a few million dollars to more than ten billion dollars in size. They range from investments in the US nuclear weapons arsenal, to nuclear energy, alternative energy, information and computer technology, and climate science. These complex investment decisions demand decision frames that must integrate facts, assumptions, risks, and future uncertainties into decision hierarchies. This session will examine how classic methods of decision science can be used to enable the US Government to make quality technology investment decisions. 

Looking to have 2-3 background presentations followed by a panel discussion. The focus of the discussion will be on the potential for the use of decision science for US Government technology investment decisions, and more importantly how to realize that potential. 



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