The backdrop to this virtual conference is the varied interpretations of teaching and research. Definitions of ‘academic research’ vary but often exclude analysis, experiment and critical debate stimulated in the classroom, studio or lab. However, this is challenged. Educationalists routinely use the classroom as a ‘laboratory’; designers use the studio as a vehicle for research. Sociologists and geographers collect research data as part of classroom exercises. Art and history teachers critique cultural and social movements in the act of explaining them. This conference engages education professionals and educators in the art, design and social science disciplines to share best practices.
This conference seeks to engage education professionals in debate and best practice sharing with educators in the fields of art, design and social science disciplines. The backdrop to the event is the varied interpretations of teaching as it relates to research. This is often contested, with definitions of ‘academic research’ often excluding analysis, experiment, knowledge transfer and critical debate stimulated in the classroom, studio or lab.
In architecture, landscape and urban design, however, the idea of a ‘design studio’ as a vehicle for research in and of itself is gaining traction. In construction and engineering schools the notion of problem based curricula is common place, with student initiatives such as the Solar Decathlon turning learning into experiment by default.
Programs of sociology and human geography routinely collect data on communities and neighbourhood initiatives as part of classroom exercises. Public health educators engage in critiques of urban infrastructure in developing arguments around issues like the healthy city. The growing number of urban economics professors worldwide, debate and explore the finance of housing, real estate and city infrastructures, forging new theories of city finance in the process.
Teachers of art and social history reconsider and critique the cultural and social movements of cities in the very act of explaining them. In exploring the city as both dynamic and time-place bound in the classroom, cultural theorists engage in the very act of defining it as such for a new generation of researchers in the field. How we represent the city and its communities is not only a theme in media and communication studies, it is a practice we study.
What then, of the distinction between research and teaching as it manifests itself in disciplines that relate to the life and design of the built environments of our towns and cities?
This conference welcomes presentations from teachers and researchers on the work they do in the classroom, the studio, lab, in the field, or the archive.
It seeks to explore how we teach, how we research and how these two activities inform each other, contradict each other, or simply sit aside from each other. It welcomes papers on:
Design studio initiatives; pedagogical methodologies; teaching and learning theories; problem based projects; research that feeds into teaching learning & projects; critique of how technology is changing teaching, research and work; projects that break disciplinary boundaries; educational and research infrastructures; global changes to academic funding priorities and more.
The initiative is thematically open and publishes works connected with key themes in:
Education | Teaching Practice | Theories of Learning | Educational Technologies | Pedagogy | Educational Psychology | Learning spaces
There is particular interest in cross-disciplinary approaches and, more specifically still, the initiative will set up platforms for researchers and teachers whose work connects to issues of life, design, representation and the quality of the built environment:
Art | Design | Architecture | Sustainability | Construction | Health | Sociology | Geography | Urban Economics | History | Media | Communications.
This conference is global in its reach. The issues it deals with cross geographical boundaries. As a virtual conference it has several presentation formats available:
Zoom: for real-time interaction between presenter and audience
Pre-recorded film: for presenters who wish their work to be permanently available
Streaming: for audience members who wish to view all presentations in their own time
Written Papers: for delegates who seek publication
Routledge Taylor & Francis | UCL Press | Intellect Books | Cambridge Scholars Publishing | Vernon Press | Libri Publishing
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