With an aim to build an international platform for experts in field of Polymer and Composite Materials and encourage the academic exchange, the First PCM conference was officially launched in Ningbo, China from May 27th- 29th, 2014, attracting more than 150 scholars and engineers from United States, England, Western Europe, Canada, Australia, Japan and China. Its successful was laid the groundwork for future PCM conferences. For the past five years, nearly 700 experts, scholars and researchers from all over the world have been invited by PCM conference.
Polymer Materials
Plastics ;Polymeric gels and networks; Engineering polymers ; Radiation-related Polymers ; Organic/Inorganic hybrids and nanocomposites ; Polymer membranes for environments and energy ; Polymeric biomaterials ; Polymer synthesis and characterization; Polymer structure and property, and the modeling and simulation
Composite Materials
Biomedical & Biomimetic Composites ; Carbon/ Ceramic/ Metal Matrix Composites ; Multi-functional Composites ; Nanotechnology Composites ; Textile Composites ; Wood and Paper ; Green Composites ; Liquid Composite Molding ; Composites Manufacturing ; Recycling of Composites and Sustainability★Paper submission ★ Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers by following two methods: 1. Submitted via http://paper.academicconf.com/... 2. Submitted via e-mail: pcm@academicconf.com
✿Conference Highlights ✿ 1. Invited Speakers will have a longer presentation time, if you are interested, please let us know; 2. Conference proceeding will be indexed by Scopus, Engineering Compendex (EI), Inspec and etc; 3. Selected papers will be published in Journals with Impact Factors; 4. Best Oral Presenters will be awarded a free accommodation for the next conference; 5. Lunches and Dinners during July 9-10 are covered; 6. One day tourism will be provided.
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