
The PI3K/PTEN pathway

The PI3K/PTEN pathway: from basic science to clinical translation 2019

Buxton, United Kingdom
18 - 20 July 2019
The conference ended on 20 July 2019

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
17th May 2019
Early Bird Deadline
17th May 2019

About The PI3K/PTEN pathway

This meeting focuses on the biology and signalling of the class I isoforms of PI3K, and the drugs that have been generated to interfere with their function in disease. After some challenging years in PI3K pathway drug development, good progress has recently been made, with 3 PI3K inhibitors now approved for oncology and several others in the registration pipeline. Basic science investigations continue to provide new insight into the clinical observations.


Cancer, Inflammation, Immunology, Signalling, Signaling, Translational science, Therapeutics and molecular medicine, Molecular bases of health and disease

Call for Papers

Oral communication slots are available at this meeting. All attendees, particularly researchers in the early stages of their career, are invited to submit a poster abstract for consideration as an oral communication..

Abstract Submission Guidelines The maximum number of words allowed in your abstract body is 230. 

Please type your abstract straight into the online submission form, or alternatively paste the text from a word-processed document. 

The ‘Full title’ should be presented sentence case (not in Title Case or BLOCK CAPITALS), that is only the first letter of the title or appropriate terms such as abbreviations or proper nouns should be upper case. 

Has my abstract been accepted? Approximately 2 weeks after the abstract submission deadline has passed, you will receive an email informing you whether your abstract has been accepted/rejected as an oral communication or poster. All accepted abstracts will be available to view online.

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