

Thinking About Animals 2018

St. Catharines, Canada
1 - 2 March 2018
The conference ended on 02 March 2018

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
12th January 2018

About TAA2018

For the last two decades, the Department of Sociology at Brock University has promoted the field of Critical Animal Studies. Now, in collaboration with Niagara Action for Animals, we invite activists and academics to join us for on March 1st-2nd, 2018 for another of our “Thinking About Animals” conferences. This time we will focus on two broad themes: "Structural Violence and Trans-Species Social Justice" and "Resistance, Rescue and Sanctuary"



Call for Papers

Structural Violence and Trans-Species Social Justice

While capitalism did not create animal exploitation, it has intensified the effects and has made this into a system of total violence that threatens all life on the planet. We take up this theme in part to launch publication of two new books: David Nibert’s monumental 2-volume edited book Animals, Oppression and Capitalism and New Directions in Critical Animal Studies: Toward Trans-Species Social Justice, co-edited by Atsuko Matsuoka and John Sorenson.

Resistance, Rescue and Sanctuary

Here, we pay attention to individual nonhuman animals who have managed to resist and survive their oppression and also celebrate the work of human activists who have dedicated themselves to the practical work of resisting oppression by helping other animals and advocating for their interests.

Featured speakers include:

Jenny Brown (Woodstock Farm Sanctuary)

Karen Davis (United Poultry Concerns)

Anita Krajnc (Toronto Pig Save)

David Nibert (Dept of Sociology, Wittenberg University)

Ian Purdy (Toronto Pig Save; Institute for Critical Animal Studies)

Chantal Theijin (Hobbitstee Wildlife Refuge)

Paper submissions and inquires can be sent to animalconference@brocku.ca

Send abstract (approx. 250 words) and 3 keywords

Deadline for papers is January 12, 2018

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