The symposium is a nonprofit educational conference devoted to methodology, research, and information exchange between academia and industry. The forum has been held annually since 1984 in Australia, New Zealand, the U.S.A., Europe, and South Africa, in cooperation with industry-leading entities in tourism, hospitality, aviation, information technology, vocational development, and education. The objectives of the forum are to provide an opportunity for tourism educators and trainers to gain new insight about the rapidly changing tourism and hospitality industry, to learn about new training and assessment methods, and to network with their peers.
The Tourism and Hospitality Educators conference planning committee welcomes your abstracts for oral papers, panel presentations, and circulars. The submission period is 22 July, 2019 – 24 October, 2019. All submissions should be made by email. Abstracts Oral Presentations Oral presentations will have 30-minute time slots. Presenters typically use PowerPoint or other slide presentations. It is not necessary that you have a written paper to read/present.
Panel presentations provide authors the option to organize a panel comprising three related presentations. Panel presentation sessions will typically be 30 minutes in length. A panel proposal should include an abstract summarizing the overall theme of the panel. Panels that seek to bring together experts for interactive discussion should describe questions that will be addressed by the panel, and underlying issues to be discussed.
Hand-outs for circulation to attendees should be 1 - 4 pages in length. Authors of circulars are not required to deliver oral presentations. Submission Options Abstracts and circulars may be submitted as email attachments, as Word DOC or PDF files.
Please include the following information: presentation title; presenter's identifying information, including name and affiliations, topic, and narrative text. Narrative text may include tables or figures.
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