
UCLan 2nd Annual CyberCrime Conference


Preston, United Kingdom
3 - 4 July 2017
The conference ended on 04 July 2017

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline
30th April 2017

About UCLan 2nd Annual CyberCrime Conference

We are delighted to inform you about an exciting international conference devoted to Cybercrime. Building upon the great success of the first, 2-day conference on Cybercrime at Uclan in June 2016- ‘Rethinking Cybercrime’- UCRU are now holding the event on an annual basis. The theme of the ‘2nd Annual Conference on Cybercrime’ is to critically examine the current ‘state of play’ in global cybercrime and to conceptualise developments, in tandem with attempts to inform social and educational policy and to respond to threats and combat cybercrime.


Counter terrorism, Crime, Criminology, The internet, Cybercrime, Secruity, Prison services, International services

Call for Papers


UCRU are warmly inviting and encouraging participation and attendance from academics, practitioners, professionals and students from a diverse spectrum of disciplines and fields including

Criminology and Criminal Justice Law Policing, Law Enforcement and Forensic Investigation Psychology Sociology and Social Policy Philosophy Information Technology and Computing Security and Counter-Terrorism Armed Services International Relations Prison Services


The implications for Social and Educational Policy Effective Responses to Cyber –threats The Growth of Cyberspace, and in particular, the so-called ‘Dark Net’ as major sites for crime and moral transgression Cyber-Terrorism and the role of the internet in radicalisation Identity Theft and online fraud Intellectual Property Crime Online Sexual Predation and Cyber-Grooming Biosocial Explanations for Cyber Violence Surveillance, Monitoring and Policing Effectiveness of Law and Order Services in controlling Cybercrime Predictive Models of Cyber Violence

To reiterate, in addition to these broad themes, UCRU welcome submissions for papers and poster presentations on any aspect of Cybercrime.


Please submit a 300 word abstract linked to the broad themes of the conference by 30th April 2017, to include the Title of the Submission, Author/s, Affiliation, Primary Contact and Contact Details.

Your submission should be sent as a Word Document attached to an email, to ConferenceAndEvents@uclan.ac.uk  

Abstracts will appear in the conference brochure and selected papers, together with selected papers from the previous ‘Rethinking Cybercrime’ conference, will appear in an edited collection with Palgrave Macmillan.

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