The International Conference on Sustainable Design and Environment 2020 (ICSDE 2020) will be held on 27 and 28 February 2020. The 2-day conference intends to promote the interest and awareness of sustainable living by gathering people to exchange knowledge of sustainability research as well as sharing the global trend in research directions and new tools for analysis.
The conference welcomes academics, industry partners, researchers, and students who share common interest in inter-disciplinary research on sustainability. It will include keynote addresses, paper presentations, poster presentations and symposium.
Call for Papers
Call for Abstracts
We are inviting abstracts for presentations on a range of topics, including but not limited to:
- Sustainable Living in the Greater Bay Area
- Financing for Green Initiatives
- Sustainable City Work for Climate Change
- Governing Innovative Green Infrastructure: Trends and Perspectives
- Current Issues in Environmental Conservation
- Sustainable Materials: Upcycling and Recycling
- Sustainable Design Practice
- Sustainable Fashion Development & Design
- Sustainable Textile Technology
- Current Issues in Sustainable Living
Ideas that extend beyond the topics listed above will also be considered.
Submission Guidelines
- All abstracts must be original work. The author is responsible for the accuracy of the abstract.
- All abstracts and presentations must be in English.
- Please submit your abstract within the limit of 500 words via Easychair.
- The Conference accepts original work reporting on applied research results, case studies or novel applications.
- The abstract should clearly state:
- the purposes / objectives of the research
- the key problems / questions addressed
- the hypotheses (if any)
- the methodology
- the key findings / outcomes
- the implications / impacts
- The submitted file comprising text, figures, tables and pictures should not exceed a maximum of 30MB.
- The abstract will go through a blind peer-review process. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to present at the conference.
- It is the author's sole responsibility to ensure the materials presented at the conference do not violate any copyright laws. The submission of an abstract indicates that the author(s) undertake to respect and ensure compliance with any applicable copyright.
- By submitting an abstract, you give consent to the publication of the abstract in conference materials, including but not limited to, the conference website, conference proceedings, email promotion, etc.
- Presenters should register before 31 January 2020 or the abstract will be withdrawn.
Submit your abstract via Easychair